
I don’t even know if this is worth making a thread for, but I’ll give it a go! :slight_smile: I’ve noticed that sometimes people write random things in their location fields, and I thought it would be cool to have a thread open where you could discuss them when you change 'em out. Obviously, if this isn’t a thread worth keeping then mods, by all means lock it up. I don’t want to clutter the boards. :wink:

So I just changed mine; as you guys probably already knew I’m on a serious WALL•E kick right now. :stuck_out_tongue:

little chef

I don’t see anything wrong with this. But to be honest, there isn’t really a reason behind my Location.

Metroville has always been my location for obvious reasons. I love the Incredibles, and I drem of myself crime fighting in that city.

Well, technically, the reason for me being on this location because I just saw a floating house 5 months ago. Now, it replaced by a gigantic dirigible. :stuck_out_tongue:

TSS: Oh, good. I didn’t really see a problem with it either, but I just wanted to make sure. :wink: Have you had that as your location since you’ve joined?

wannabechef: Haha! I love it! :laughing:

One of my favorites is PixarVixen’s, and I can’t really remember what it says, but in the middle it cuts off and says “SQUIRREL!” Totally made me lawl (LOL). :laughing:

little chef

Hurr, I never heard of that last word until you mentioned it. Guess you learn something new every day. :slight_smile:

My location’s pretty self-explanatory. Though I may change it sometime soon.

As real estate agents always say… :wink:

TDIT: If you’ve seen Up, at least in English, you’ve heard the word dirigible before,… they say it in the movie,… I think only once though. I’d have to run through the dialogue in my head to double check, but that could take all night! XD

Cool beans, ffdude. Must watch again and take note when and who said it. :wink:

It’s fun to say it: Dirigible. Digirible. Di-ri-gee-bull. Drgbl.

I could go on forever. :mrgreen:

/End off-topic musing

I’ve always kept mine legit and reality based. But deep down in my little nerd heart I’ve always wanted to put Coast City, the fictional metropolis between Jump City and Metroville.

Hey, I say do it! :laughing: I mean, most of the members probably have already gotten an idea of where you live, so go for it! :smiley: (Also a great conversation starter, especially if it’s your own fictional fan-based city, which I’m assuming is what it is…)

little chef

little chef: Yes, Metroville has been my location for the longest time.

Haunt: I like the name already. Coast City. Brings to mind sunny beaches and seagulls, and leisurely strolls along the boardwalk… Like little_chef, I’m curious if this was actually a place in the Incredibles universe or your own fan creation, but I’d like to find out more about it! :smiley:

TSS: Maybe a vacation is in order? A little stroll in Nomanisan, perhaps?

TDIT: maybe, but oh boy. Ain’t that place stil infested with robots?

If you’re a Super, not for long… :wink:

Yeah, that has been on my list (that, along with The Parr home, Municiberg, and other places in the Incredibles universe)

[spoil]It’s the newsreel guy.[/spoil]

Haha. “chef likes this”

EDIT: Spoilerish content.

@chef, don’t ruin it! It’s the same guy, but [spoil]he’s narrating Carl running down the street at that particular line. :wink:[/spoil]

ffdude Not really. [spoil]That guy also narrated the word when he said Muntz has landed his Spirit Of Adventure lighter-than-aircraft in New Hampshire.[/spoil]

This thread has inspired me to change mine. It was just so boring before. :laughing:

Go on, Haunt, be a daredevil and put ‘Coast City’! It sounds like a lovely place. :smiley:

wannabechef91 Ahh, good call, I totally forgot about that. I would have remembered had I really gone through the script in my head. Nice catch, that’s twice it’s in the movie.


I might have to change mine soon so I can get in on this action! :stuck_out_tongue:

10 Internets for lizardgirl! Love the PatF reference… :smiley:

ffdude and wannabechef: I need to see Up more. Ugh!