Lotso's Revenge

If I get a chance this Summer, I’m gonna finish this thing.

I hope you finish it it, this is really good. Keep up the great work!

Thanks. I plan to finish it sometime, but it might be a while.

Lotso’s Revenge will return sometime over Labor Day weekend, expect chapters 4 and 5!

I t is really good so far. I am excited to see what happens.

Chapter 4: Two At A Time

(Before Woody and the gang knew it, it was Monday morning. Bonnie was downstairs eating breakfast and the toys were upstairs in Bonnie’s room trying to think of a way to get to Sunnyside)

Rex: I thought that we were just gonna sneak into Bonnie’s backpack!
Woody: We were, but there’s not enough room for all of us… We’ll have to find another way.
Chuckles: Woody… If I may make a suggestion… Perhaps we could stowaway in Bonnie’s backpack two at a time. For example, you and Buzz could sneak into her backpack and get to Sunnyside today, and the rest of us would do the same thing each day.
Buzz: You know Woody, Chuckles has a point. I mean, not all of us would be able to get to Sunnyside today anyway, since Bonnie’s backpack isn’t even that big. It probably be a good idea to do what Chuckles said and go two at a time.
Woody: Yeah, you guys are right. Come on Buzz, let’s get into Bonnie’s backpack before she comes back upstairs to get it.
Buzz: Alright, cowboy.

(Buzz and Woody climbed into Bonnie’s backpack, ready to go see what’s going on at Sunnyside)

Jessie: Buzz, be careful.
Buzz: Don’t worry Jessie, we’ll be fine.
Mr. Potato Head: Hey Woody, when you get to Sunnyside, tell that big fat over dramatic Care Bear that when I get there, I’m gonna rip the stuffing right out of his…
Dolly: Guys! Bonnie is coming!
Woody: Uh oh! Buzz zip up her backpack! Hurry!
Buzz: Way ahead of ya, Woody.

(Buzz zips up Bonnie’s backpack just as Bonnie comes into her room to retrieve it. We hear Bonnie’s mom calling from downstairs)

Bonnie’s mom: Bonnie! Come on, you’ll be late for school!
Bonnie: Coming mommie!

(Bonnie grabs her backpack, rushes downstairs, and gets into her mom’s car)

                                        Later At Sunnyside...

(Buzz and Woody check to see if the coast is clear, and then make their way to the caterpillar room, keeping an close eye out for Lotso)

Woody: What I don’t understand is how Lotso is back, I mean, didn’t we see him get strapped to the front of an garbage truck?
Buzz: Woody, that doesn’t mean anything. Besides… Oh, there it is!

(Buzz points to the caterpillar room right in front of them. Woody and Buzz quickly make their way inside, where they see Bookworm hiding underneath a table)

Woody: Bookworm!
Bookworm: Woody? Buzz? I wasn’t expecting you guys to get here until tomorrow!
Buzz: Yeah well, we made it ahead of schedule. Where are the others?
Bookworm: Ken and Barbie are being held hostage by Lotso. He jammed Chunk’s switch and he’s evil again. We’ve tried, but we can’t unjam it or switch him back to good. Twitch is keeping watch in the butterfly room. Stretch and Big Baby are around here somewhere. And Sparks is outside, patrolling the place while also avoiding the little kids.

(Bookworm notices that Jessie and everyone else aren’t there)

Bookworm: Um… Where are the others?
Woody: Oh! They’re back at Bonnie’s house. There was only enough room in Bonnie’s backpack for two of us. The others will be arriving throughout the week.
Bookworm. Oh. OK, then. Anyway, let me get you guys to a safer part of the room, follow me.

Great chapter. I think it progressed the story very well.

Chapter 5 should be up in about a week or two, depends on how busy I am.

Great job with it so far! I’m very interested to see when the other toys get to Sunnyside.

Thanks. I’m still trying to figure out HOW they will get to Sunnyside, but I have a few ideas…

Your welcome. You can take you time to work on the next chapter if you want to.

Don’t worry, I will. It’s gonna take a while to get my ideas down, because I’ve just been making this stuff up as I type it, I like to wing it, not plan things.

I love it so far, but I’m going to vote until its done

OK, thanks!

Chapter 5 should be up sometime this weekend at the earliest.


Was working on Chapter 5 and then mom had to get on the computer, and she exited out of it… Give me another week or two guys…

Darn you Buzz&Woodyforever’s mom! jk

8D Actually, she told me that it was an accident, but I KNEW that I should’ve bookmarked the page just in case… The thing is though, I can hardly remember what happened in the chapter I was writing, because I just make this stuff up as I go along, I never plan things.

Chapter 5 tomorrow. Hopefully.

Awesome! Can’t wait for it.