Make Your Own Outtakes: Finding Nemo

Why don’t you try comming up with some A113?


(scene where Nemo starts rolling towards the window)

TANK GANG: Roll! Roll, kid, roll!
Nemo rools toward the window.
DENTIST: Wait…is too late to catch the bag Ah!
ANDREW: No worries, dude. He’s okay.

That was terrible. :cry:

Gill: It’s fool-proof!
(SOme lines I don’t remember)
Fish: What makes this plan any different?
Nemo: Because you got ME!!!
Gill: That was supposed to be my line.
Nemo: I know, but it makes me feel more special.

(scene with anglerfish)
ANGLERFISH: chases Marlin (who is screaming)
lights go off
DORY: Light, please!
ANGLERFISH: turns on light again
MARLIN: fighting and yelling inside
ANGLERFISH: freezes…falls, showing that it is a machine
MARLIN: muffled Can someone get me out!

Peach: Find a Happy place! (3x)
Darla: It’s asmall world after all!
Peach: Find a Happy place! (3x)
Darla: On top of speagetthi! All covered with cheeeeeeeeeese!
Peach: Find a Happy place! (3x)
Darla: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH. . . who lives in a pinapple under the sea?
Andrew: CUT! Darla, please make up your mind!

That was hilarious, TSS! 8D

By the way, Rachel, do they know those songs down under?

DARLA: OK I got it- The second star, the second star, the second star to the right…no wait, I don’t know the rest!
DIRECTOR: You don’t have to! It’s only a little bit!
DARLA: Can I do a different one?
DIRECTOR: We’re on number 18 of your list of 60 songs…

That was a clever follow up bright-dot-dasher!

Wait a sec…is the reason why Darla used “Twinkle twinkle little star” because Peach was a starfish? Unless Darla didn’t care about that…oh well. never mind. :unamused: Maybe in the outtakes, she didn’ realize that.
On with the outtakes.

DORY: When life gets you down you know what you gotta do?
MARLIN: I don’t know what you gotta do.
DORY: Aw, man, I thought you might.

(Take two of BBD’s)
Dory: When life gets you down you know what you gotta do?
Marlin: I don’t know what I gotta do.
Dory: You just keep. . . uh. . . just keep. . . LINE!!!

(continued Darla singing parts)
DARLA (off key): When you wish upon a STA-A-AR, makes no difference who you A-A-A-R-RE!
GURGLE: Yeah it does! It makes a huge difference when you sing badly AND tap the glass!

Ha ha ha, that is really funny bright-dot-dasher, but I expected Peach to be saying Gurgle’s line. Still, it is really funny.

(in the EAC)
LITTLE TURTLES: gasp, huddle close to Dory and listen to Marlin
ONE OF THE TURTLES: Ow, you’re squishing me!

(when Dory’s trying to play I Spy)
DORY: I spy something white with orange stripes, and it’s small…
DORY: Uh…no, actually it was a Tigger action figure, but nice try.
MARLIN: chuckles Dory, stick to the script. It was supposed to be me!
DORY: Why does it always have to be you? It was you that last few times.
MARLIN: Because that’s the script!
DORY: Why?
MARLIN: Because it’s funny.
DORY: Well, nothing’s that funny when you repeat it over and over. You should know funny- you’re a clownfish!

(Guys, keep on making more, please! Keep this thread alive!)

Crush: Now give me some fin. (gives fin) Noggin. (Noggins)
Crush: DUDE!
Squirt: OWWWWWWWW!!!

MR. RAY(singing): Let’s name the species, the species the species, let’s name the species that live in the sea, the----ere’s porifera, coelenterata, hydrozoa, antoziam,scyphozoa…oops, I messed up the order! Sorry, let’s go again.

MR. RAY: Oh----seaweed is cool, seaweed is fun, it makes its food by the rays of the pun- oh, sorry, I said “pun” instead of “sun”.
STUDENT: How can you memorize all those scientific words and yet mess up on a three-letter one?

We shall see if more people will add outtakes to this.

I’m going to try, but I’m running low on HAHAHAHAHA!!! powder.

Sorry, but there is such a thing as too many outtakes, and too many bad ones (no names here lol).

I declare this thread…almost dead, unless someone hilarious comes along

Well this is “Make Your Own”, so it can be as random or as many as you want. I worry about this thread and other “Make Your Own Outtakes” becoming narrowed down.
So, this is just to make our own, and if you don’t find any funny, still why not come up with your own? :unamused:

SEAGULLS (on surface, can be heard): Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine
DIRECTOR: Wait, they’re not in this scene! What are you guys doing here?
SEAGULL: Practicing our "Mine"s!

Yes, we want people to think it’s funny, and if they don’t, ok. But more importantly we want people to continue making their own!

And people just wanna have fun I guess. You don’t have to go spoil or ruin it.

Not that great, but oh,well, it’s just for fun anyway
(scene with jellyfish)
MARLIN: Ok, we’re cheating death now, but we’re having fun at the same time.
DORY: I thought winners never cheat and cheaters never win.

(scene in dentist’s office)
DARLA: Fishy? FISHY! *shakes bag very harshly) WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING?! bag falls to the ground, dentist trips
DIRECTOR: Cut! Darla, keep your grip on the bag!
(is shown that Nemo isn’t really in bag, and they used greenscreen)

During the credits, Dory swims up to the audience.

Dory: Hello? Anyone! I’m lost! WHat am I doing here?
Andrew: CUT! Dory, you messed up the credits. Now we have to roll them over again.