Man in Santa Cruz lifts house to raise money for charity

I don’t know whether this has been posted before or if this warrants a new thread, but in case anyone hasn’t read about this, there’s a guy in Cali who, inspired by the movie and the dying-girl’s wish story, decided to reenact the scene from the film in real-life!

Although he cheated a bit… but still, it’s for a good cause! Good on him, I say! :slight_smile:

Santa Cruz article

To Donate

“Her only dying wish was that she wanted to see this silly… movie… this animated movie, Up.”
-Michael Bethke

Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it silly, but I appreciate his good intentions. :slight_smile:

Thanks to tribefan695 of Wall-E forums. Anyone living in the area managed to catch this momentous event?

I was a few blocks away from this location about 6 weeks ago, the supposed house lifting was a month ago. I’m going to try to look up more info about it: … ost_viewed

Now that’s the official sanitized version, here are actual comments from witnesses and area people, some quite controversial: … k-children

I thought it was interesting that so many felt it was just bad for the environment and was lying to kids. What do you think?

I found that…interesting to say the least too. It seems like this guy was just trying to do something nice for some kids. I would think in some instances like that one could overlook the environmental factor. But thats just me.

Reading the whole thing, the house owner is also often in the running for city council and owns a construction company. Not personally knowing anyone offhand who can vouch for his intentions, there is the possibility he is grandstanding.

And I do think that party supplies are among the most infamous of consumer goods we buy that go to waste, at least when you go to a Petco store they preach ‘consider adoption first’. Fast food restaurants come in a strong second. If he had also made an announcement that the balloons would be going to some other concern (there is such a huge number of them I can’t imagine no future plans), then I think there would have been less outrage from the so-called eco-kooks.