Marvel fans assemble!!!

I am interested, but also nervous at reading Amazing Spider-Man #700 and Avenging Spider-Man #15.4, if Peter dies, I’ll be dissapointed, but he’ll most likely return.

Personally, i find the DC comics slightly better than marvel (but then ive never read a comic book in my life. So what do i know.).

And its possibly because of a lot of the old 40’s style nostalgia that comes from DC (that i seem not to notice much with marvel. Though captain america rings a bell with that style because his origin was during WWII).
Either way, i like comics for the superhero aspect of things and a LOT of the dimensional and universe ties (and those of you who know me know i write that kind of nonsense on a daily basis because i like it! :smiley: )
Marvel is pretty good though. Kind of like the Iron man films for the sci-fi, genius inventor aspect and i like the captain america film because of the WWII, 1940’s era, setting.

^I like both, but in general I like Marvel better.

Oh, and today is Stan Lee’s 90th birthday!!! Happy Birthday Stan!

I haven’t been on here in a while, but anyway I do wish Stan “The Man” Lee had a happy birthday.

Amazing Spider-Man #700 has to be the most dissapointing Spider-Man issue since One More Day.
Dan Slott is one of my favorite Spider-Man writer’s, but this story was a huge dissapointment (especially concidering how much he and Marvel were hyping it).