MI2 leaked?

I’d have to reckon that Randall was in such a state of shock, after being thrown into the Human World, that he couldn’t collect his thoughts in time to do that “blending” thing. He apparently has to concentrate on doing that, as seen in the “warm-up” scenes right before the Scarers enter their first doors of the workday. Given what he’d been through already that day, plus what must have been a really horrific sense of knowing that he’d just been thrown into the Human World, PLUS the sudden realization that there were HUMANS in that trailer, would have left him totally disoriented and defenseless. He really didn’t have time to think, but just more or less “froze”, like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. By the time he was able to get his feet to work, it was too late. As much as I desperately want to believe he’s alive, the odds were against him, since we saw him get knocked unconscious and then the woman continued to bash him with the shovel. It was not just a matter of getting rid of what she considered an invading wild animal; there was a reason for that scene being in Louisiana. People there EAT alligators. That’s like, one of the five major food groups, so I have no doubt that they saw Randall NOT as a potentially dangerous animal getting into their home(a common occurrence in many parts of the Southern US), but as a welcome MEAL. I can only hope that by some miracle, the woman realized that this was NOT an alligator, or any other Human World animal, and ceased her assault before it was too late, but like you said, even if Randall survived, he’d carry some pretty bad scars for the rest of his life, possibly suffer from brain damage or vision loss as well,and I’m not sure how Pixar would deal with that. It would make for a powerful message, to have some reconciliation between Randall and Sulley, two old rivals, with both of them having carried around their burden of guilt long enough, but again, whether or not Pixar would want to go there, out of concern that the younger audience members might not “get it” or be bored by it, I don’t know. After all, most kids have no idea who Randall is; my Jr. High students see pictures of him on my computer and walls at school and think he’s one of the cast of “Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends”! Most of them have never seen Monsters, Inc., or if they did, it was when they were really young and they don’t remember much. That’s the problem with having such a long period of time elapse between the original and the sequel, though hopefully the new Blu-Ray and the comics will at least refresh some memories.


When I got to see 20 minutes of Up last year and had Pete Docter there telling us about the film, he eventually went to Q&A, and someone asked about the possibilities of a Monsters Inc. 2. Pete Docter smiled while everyone cheered. His response was that when Pixar can come up with good enough stories, they would give them the green light, and the same thing goes for sequels. He said a Monsters Inc. 2 is a possibility, but only if they ever come up with a good way to continue the story.

that sounded really hopeful… :laughing:

Like he knows something…

Are you talking about my post?

yah…he sounded and seemed like he knew something…otherwise he was just acting like a smart alec…

Haha… I wouldn’t call him a smart alec, though.
I really don’t know what that means though, if there really is a sequel in the makes or not, but Pete Docter and the guys at Pixar sure do know the fans want a sequel. So I’m sure it’s definitely been considered.

I don’t really care if a sequel is made or not, but I honestly want to know what happens with Boo and Sulley. In fact, I’d be content with just asking Pete Docter what he thinks happen. Of all the Pixar films, this movie definitley has the most questions left unanswered, but I don’t know if there are enough to warrant a sequel.

I kinda don’t get why everyone wants Randall to come back as a good guy, or the film wouldn’t be good. Let’s take a minute and look at who Randall was in that movie. He hated Suller and Mike with every fiber of his being. They were rivals, and not the friendly kind. Randall was willing to anything neccessary to get ahead of Suller, which is why he wanted to do the “kidnapping kids” project. He wanted to bring in more scare than Sulley. You could easily argue it was the main reason he did it at all. He wanted all the glory or “revolutionizing the scare industry” to prove he’s better than Sulley, and then rub Sulley’s face in it. I mean he’s willing to kidnap kids to beat the buy. Then there’s the fact that Randall actually tried to kill Sulley by choking him.
So clearly, Randall hates Suller. Top that off with the fact that Suller sentenced Randall to at least a year( depending on when the movie takes place) in the human world, and was beaten with a shovel because of Sulley. Randall’s going to have no cred when he gets back to the monster world. Everyone wil know he was involved with Waternoose, so everyoen will treat him like crap, and I doubt he’ll get his old job back.
Ok, so is this guy likely to come back, and want to be buddy-buddy with Sulley and Mike. Unless he had a life changing experience in the human world, than the answer is no way. He’s probably spent all his time thinking about how Sulley put him where he is, how it’s Sulley’s fauly, and how he can get back at Sulley. It might seem cliche, but it makes sense and it would be out of character for him to turn good. We know he hates Sulley, enough to kill him. We know Randall is proud, so i doubt he’d take help form anyone, epsecially Sulley., and we know he’s in general a pretty terrible person, when you look at the kidnapping thing, and the way he treats his assistant. It just doesn’t make sense for the current Randall to have a chnage of heart, unless they write in him having an ephany in the human worl, which would feel forced.
Honestly, Randall shouldn’t be in the movie at all. His story is done, and Monsters. Inc is really about the relationship between Sulley, to a leser extent Mike, and this little girl. Randall’s connection worked n the first film, but he’s unneccessary in a sequel because as long as Sulley, Mike, and Boo are in it, then it’s fine. A sequel shoudl really deal with the relationship between these characters and how it changes overtime. Sulley is now a running a company, Mike will proabably be married, and Boo is getting older. I think the central conflict shoudl come out of the relationship, but that’s just me.

twidles pen Ahh…newbie…sighs
Many statements were that if Ran would come back in the still-same “villain” role, than the film wouldn’t be good.
Alright…you take a minute…and the most of us will take 7 years.
Randall himself laughed at the mention from Wazowski that it was all about the Scare Board numbers, signifying that it was not. cranes neck And Randall never stated that he wanted to do this. Maybe he did want to be ahead of Sullivan, but the reasons for that are many, some of which were pulled onto Ran himself and unaware they weren’t Sullivan’s fault.
Note that he was ordered to by Waternoose before Randall even laid a hand on Sullivan.
Quite the contrary. Seems nobody else knows about Randall’s disappearence. Think about it. Law there is similiar to this world. If it was learned Sullivan and Wazowski ILLEGALLY banished another, they would get trialed themselves. Of course, being so-called heros, they got off scott free.
Waternoose would probably pin it on Randall…then again Ran’s not around to take his blame at the time.

Oh yes…come back all shinny and good like a saint. Yeah right. We’re not that overly unrealistic.
Yes. Most of his hate would probably keep him going. It can be…quite the motivator.
Terrible person? Oh ok…is it alright if I call YOU a terrible person? Well I won’t, because I don’t know you and won’t judge you. But I do know that Randall isn’t.
Pitbulllady would be better at describing humans in terms to monsters for the kidnapping, but I will go on to Fungus. Fungus…is not a relatively good par with Randall at the time of the film. Constantly a bother and jabbering minute after minute can get a guy like Ran riled up and ready to yell. folds arms But perhaps the greatest example that Fungus is NOT as shaky as he seems is in the bathroom scene. Here we Randall relatively stressed and just taking a moment to relax. With CDA bearing down on the place, just another notch to the belt of worry. And who so happens to walk into the room? And lets look at that for a second…Fungus is SMILING on his way in. And what does he do next? Scream at Randall in “worry” about the kid, and starts shaking up Ran before he even got a moment to himself.
His story is certainly not done, because he was hardly given one. And he should be. Sullivan and Wazowski had already had their point told, so has the girl. That’s one for them. And besides, if Ran is dropped and not seen again, Sullivan would never come to terms with WHAT HE DID. If he NEVER DOES…Sullivan is no hero at all. He’s certainly not one now.
folds arms And despite being on Ran’s side…I don’t want Sullivan to be that cold.

Randall has a LOT of fans, because we DO “get it”. We understand that no one is perfect, and every single one of us has the capability to do evil things, given the right circumstances. I’ve been in Randall’s position. I KNOW what it feels like, and the effect it has on your attitude, to be treated like crap, to see the boss’s best friend be treated like royalty(remember, Sulley was Waternoose’s friend, so it’s no coincidence that Sulley was always Employee of the Month. Google “cronyism”)and get all the recognition, even though I was the one busting my butt. Randall had every reason to be upset, and given what he had to have been going through while building that machine, he had every reason to have an attitude, too. Try going without sleep, without a vacation and without appreciation for two years, and see what it does to YOUR attitude! Been There, Done That.

Sulley had no more authority to “sentence” a freaking blowfly, let alone a fellow citizen! He was NOT a judge! I don’t know where you’re from, but here in the United States, a person who takes the law into their own hands is called a “vigilante”, and that is ILLEGAL! Sulley is no saint, and what he did brought him down lower than Randall ever was. Randall did everything he did only because he was ordered to do so, and before you put on your Holier Than Thou hat, read this article: cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/12/19/mi … index.html
ANY one of us here, you included, is just as capable of doing things just as bad as Randall did, given the right circumstances, and when under the manipulation of the right person. At least, Randall had very little choice in what he did. That same thing cannot be said of Sulley and Mike. They CHOSE to flaunt the law and act as judge, jury and executioners. They aren’t heroes; they’re just vigilantes. We already know how their perfect little lives turned out at the end of the movie. I wouldn’t waste the price of gasoline to get to the theater just to see more of the same. Talk about CLICHE!

People DO change, and THAT is a much more powerful message, and a more realistic one, than that jaded old “bad guy vs. good guy” garbage. That is SO Saturday morning little kiddie cartoon! A good character arc is far more interesting and sends a far better story that appeals to a wider variety of fans, instead of just little kids or narrow-minded people who only understand things in black or white. Real life isn’t in black and white only; there are lots of shades of gray. I’ve lived long enough and had enough experiences to know that with very, very few exceptions, NO ONE is born evil-not me, not you, not Randall. People also can learn from life-altering events, and from mistakes, or as you put it, from “epiphanies”(I took the liberty to spell it correctly). I cannot understand why anyone would want to see a movie about two law-breakers who are held up on a pedestal as “heroes”, when they obviously are just as flawed as the one they sought revenge against, and why anyone would want to watch more of their perfect, wonderful, and guilt-free lives on-screen is beyond me. If Mike and Sulley can live with themselves, be perfectly happy and never once think about what they did, they’re the ones that really ARE innately evil.


MI2 would be sweet!!!

Wow, didn’t think I’d get such a negative reaction.

pitbulllady, I’m really sorry. I typed a good response to your reply, but it accidently got erased. If the below response doens’t answer youre reply wel enough, tell me and I will finsh it. It’s 12:30 AM and I don’t have the energy to finish it right now. Again, Sorry.

Nexas and pitbull lady, yes, Randall scoffs at the mention of the scare record, not the board the record. Why? Because as he says, he is going to revolutionize the scaring industry with his machine that pulls scream. Does he care about the getting the record before Sulley? No, because in his mind ,Randall already has Sulley beat . If Randall’s plan had gone through, he would be recognized as pulling everyone out of the scream shortage, plus the record would be obsolete due to there being no more need for scarers under this new company. Randall would be on top, and Sulley wouldn’t. That’s why he doesn’t care about the scare record anymore.
Yes, Randall was working for Waternoose, but this was still very much Randall’s project. He put the work into getting the machine running, which you can tell because he is seen working on it. Plus, it was Randall’s kid that was selected, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he chose Boo, though there is no real way to know who picked Boo, as it’s done off-camera, or before the movie starts. We do that Randall was the one that actively kidnapped her, so there’s no getting around that. Also, Randall was extremely active in finding out what happened to Boo. He may have been doing all this on Waternoose’s orders, but I don’t think so because Randall takes credit for revolutionizing the scaring industry. He talks like it’s his project, because he proabably did alot of work developing it. Waternoose and Randall were partners far more than Randall was Waternoose’s lackey, plus Randall is far too smart to just be a lackey.

Fungus. Why is Fungus jabbering all the time? Because he is a nervous wreck. Why is he a nervous wreck? Because Randall is his boss. Randall treats his subordinates as if they are completely inferior to him. Just because someone is working under you, it doens’t mean they don’t get treated with respect, and Randall treats Fungus like crap. It reminds me of a qoute from Harry Potter. “If you want to get the measure of a man, look how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” I actually takes this very seriously, and looking at Randall with that in mind he doesn’t come out too well. Anyways, when we’re first on the scare floor, before Boo is borught in, before Randall is frekaing out looking for her, we see Randall screaming at Fungus to get him a new door because Sulley is winning on the scare board. He’s taking out his frustration on someone who doesn’t deserve it, and Randall does it because he can. We also see Randal screaming at Fungus when he simply tries to let Randall know that he is the current scare leader. All Fungus does his try to get Randall’s attention and he snaps at him. Again, Fungus is getting unwarranted, and undeserving anger from Randall because he is working under Randall. Now all this is before the “Boo” plot of the movie has started, so Randall isn’t stressed out yet about Boo. He’s stressed about Sulley beating him, but that’s no reason to take it out on Fungus. Fungus hasn’t done anything to him, Randall’s mad at Sulley so he shoudl take his anger out on Sulley, or just calm himself down, and keep scaring. Ok, so then theirs after the “Boo” incident. In the bathroom, Fungus WAS shaky. He was legitimately scared because the kid got out, and he’s afraid they’re going to get into trouble. All he is trying to do is find out what Randall wants to do, so he can clam down, yet Randall once again screams at him. TRandall might have need to time to cool down, but Fungus needed reassurnace form the guy in charge about what they were doing next. Then there is when they capture Mike. Mike tries to get Fungus to help him, and Fungus says, “Sorry, but Randall says I’m not allowed to fraternize with victims of his evil plot.” (Note Fungus says it is RANDALL’S evil plot) Now, this was really just there as a joke, but if you take it seriously, as we seems to be doing, Randall has this guy under his control so much, that he can get Fungus to do whatever he wants. Fungus won’t even talk to people if Randall says it isn’t OK. Clearly, Fungus is petrified of Randall, and Randalls knows it. He completely controls Fungus only through fear. Ok, then there is when Mike puts Fungus in the chair. When Randall gets him out, he doesn’t care if Fungus is hurt, which he clearly is, he wants to know wear Mike is. He doens’t even ask or check if Fungus is alright. Because he doens’t care about Fungus, he’s just going to use him as long as he is useful, but Fungus is desposable to Randall. So, basically, Randall controls Fungus through fear, treats him like crap, and uses him. Fungus may be annyoing, but he still deserves to be treated like a human, or monster in this case. One last thing, look at Fungus’ last appearence. He’s on the laugh floor saying, “oh this is great!” and smiling. He’s happy, and it’s because he doesn’t have to worry about Randall anymore.

Alright, there’s also how Randall treats Mike. Mike is fairly wimpy in the beginning of the movie, and Randalls picks on him, because he knows it will work. Randall’s first scene is of him creeping up on Mike and scaring him. Then he furthers the humiliation with the condescending remark, “What do you know, it scares little kids, and little mosnters” Randall enjoys picking on Mike because he can’t do it to Sulley, but he can do it to Mike. So yet again he have misplaced anger. Then Randall does it again when he turns Mike’s arms into clock hands. This it neccessary for him to do this. Couldn’t he have just said 12:30? Yes, but he enjoys picking on Mike, so he does. Miek hasn’t really doen anything to him, yet. It’s Sulley who he is mad at. Again, Randall is treating people under him like crap.

I still think Randall’s story is done. He’s in the human world. He know what happens to him. We don’t know specifics, but we know where he is is he isn’t in the next movie. They could bring him back, but it’s not neccassary to the movie. There are people who would like to see him back, and that is certainly fine, I like Randall too, but if it doesn’t work for the story then there’s no point.
The story is about Sulley, Mike and Boo. Randall’s in the story, he’s a major player, but it’s not about him. Would you have wanted to see Toy Story 2 be about Sid? Woody and Buzz are back with Andy, they were done, but Sid you coud largue had a story, because he had seriosu issues to deal with after seeing toys alive? Do most people care about what happened with Sid thouugh? No. They want to see Woody, Buzz and all thier friends again, that’s why most people go to a sequel. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to see a story about Randall, but most people who saw Mosnter’s Inc. are going to be more interested in Sulley, Mike, and Boo.
And yes, Sulley is a hero. He’s not a saint, but he’s a hero. He saved a little girl from two villains, and saved everyone from the scream shortage. Obi-Wan killed Darth Maul, but he’s still a hero. Flik lead Hopper to his death, but he’s still a hero. Sulley and Mike aren’t perfect and aren’t always right, but they’re heroes.

cranes neck Here it goes again.

Note that it was not Randall’s plan, but Waternooses. This is such a common thing that people forget.
What is WRONG with trying to help the masses? If you recall, Monstropolis was experiencing scream shortages, power outages. I have no doubt that Randall didn’t at least have it in mind that he thought he was doing a SERVICE to help the problem.
Yes. But you don’t expect WATERNOOSE to get his hands dirty. That’s the thing with most projects, the big boys get the working force to make it. And in this, Waternoose got Randall, who is a skilled mechanic in his downtime, to do it. And in the event, take the fall for it.
Makes sense it’s Boo. Randall worked extra hours, and could easily just have gotten a kid there. Of course Waternoose was in charge of making the decision of what kid, and probably thought that if it was one of Randall’s and something went wrong, Randall would be the questioned one.
If Randall TOLD Waternoose that SOMEONE, not his fault, had taken the kid or, most commonly, the kid got out of the factory, Waternoose wouldn’t be too happy about it. So he took matters into finding Boo before SOMETHING HAPPENED. Unfortunately something DID happen…oh…and wouldn’t you know it…THAT wasn’t Randall’s fault. Seems “two others” who had the kid at the time caused quite a hectic scene.
The reason Randall expressed it was his plan was that so nobody knew it WAS Waternoose. What if by the time he got Mike for example he said that it was Waternoose’s plot? When escaping, Sullivan and Wazowski would inform the CDA that Waternoose was involved. And how would THAT go for him?
I appreciate that you say that Randall is indeed smart. But that’s the thing with someone as youthful as him. Remember…Waternoose was his BOSS. A boss from a line of Waternooses who CEOed Monsters Inc. And Waternoose was NOT about to have it go under. If Randall tried to get out of it normally, Waternoose would have him, at the least, fired and discredited. Worst case? Waternoose would aim to kill him. Why have someone around who would blab about the incident? Look what he did to Sullivan and Wazowski. They touched the rim of the scenerio and were BANISHED. Once he was done with Randall, who here doubts he would be willing to share the pot of moola with the lizard monster?

To the point on the scarefloor. Note. Randall had been taking up nights, loosing sleep and health, working on the machine for longer than Fungus would have. And he works hard in his job, gets back ahead, and then falls down again. And then Fungus goes on yabbering again WITHOUT ANY encouragement. When HAS Fungus EVER ENCOURAGED RANDALL?
“Your still behind Randall”. Oh yeah, some encouragement.
When Randall yells that simple “WHAT!?”, he emerges from the door with a clear sign of exhaustion. And with how things had been going for him, and his knowledge of Fungus’s yammerings, how was he to suspect that he had gone ahead?
He’s not stressed out about Boo, but he IS stressed out that he’s at the near-end of the Extractor scenario and all that loss I said about earlier is catching up with him. How would YOU feel doing your job, haven’t been able to sleep for weeks, hardly had a good diet, and the guy you work with is constantly yammering and never encouraging you? Not too good huh?
Ah ah. There. That point there with Sullivan. He’s not overally hateful at Sullivan. Notice for a minute that when Sullivan gets that surprising slumber pary door, WATERNOOSE comes onto the floor, and later compliments Sullivan afterward, being all buddy-buddy. And take the talk Sullivan and Randall have after Wazowski’s “she’s out of our hair” bit. Aside from Wazowski’s behavior, Randall has a civilized conversation with Sullivan. Sure, he was trying to get some information, but it was still unheated.
Randall DID need a moment to himself, hardly having any since the project started. Again, how would YOU feel when people start poking around your workplace for a reason connected to you, ask you questions. And then you get a moment to yourself, to think. And then your partner comes in (smiling no less), and starts SHOUTING about it all, with no care to note if anyone was around, least Randall was smart enough to do that. And I find it faintly curious how Fungus found him so fast.
Note, Randall would not be saying to Fungus that it WAS Waternoose’s, which it is. If Fungus KNEW, he would certainly slip and blab up. In actuallity, Randall was protecting Fungus.
Actually take a moment there at how Fungus converses with Wazowski. No sign at ALL of him being gittery or a wreck. Now if Randall HAD Fungus so rilded up, he certainly can turn it off when he wants to.
Of COURSE he doesn’t want Fungus to talk about a “secret project under the company that would either get them in trouble or fix the scream shortage”. If Fungus did, Waternoose would do something about them BOTH.
That’s actually something I would scold Randall about, in concern to Fungus in the chair. Though I highly think Randall would make sure the Extractor was non-lethal, Fungus WAS literally out-of-breath. BUT…Sullivan is JUST as guilty, putting Fungus in the chair in the first place, and Sullivan knew next to zip about the machine compared to Randall. And if Ran knew Fungus would be alright, he has at least some merit.
Note that Fungus is no longer a scare assistant, but a scarer. Or more at time a Comedian, not an assistant anymore. shrugs A raise is something to be happy about.

Mike. Wimpy? Yes. Sarcastic? Far more than Randall. Uses his much bigger friend to back him up so he can talk smack about anyone he doesn’t like? You bet your house he does.
Wazowski CLEARLY has something against Randall, and Randall simply returns it. Take the opening joke. JOKE. Randall WAS playing a light hearted joke, and that was it. A little fun, of course Wazowski considers himself proud enough not to admit to it.
The clock bit? Wazowsk is just SO SLOW when it comes to such things -_- Take a look at that scene again.
“What happens when the whistle blows in five minutes?”
“I…get a time out?”
“Everyone goes to lunch!”. Ok, Randall yells, but look next. He tries to compose himself from getting angry. He TRIES. He’s speaking to someone who has just as much against him for some reason as the other. By the second time Randall is just frustrated Wazowski doesn’t even know his own job.
Oh yeah…denouncing Randall’s wording (see: Cretin), calling Randall a racial slur, slamming his his head multiple times in doors, AND being perhaps the main reason for the end exile gets him off.

That’s because you shut yourself off from opportunities, which is something Pixar does NOT do.
nods Actually I wouldn’t mind wondering why Sid was so…cynical and had a hate of many toys and such…sure wouldn’t make a good sequel, but there’s a story there. Not that at this time Pixar was sticking to it’s NO VILLAINS policy.
HO…MOST PEOPLE? Randall fans have been loyal since the movie came out and we have stuck with it since then.
No. He is NOT a hero, neither is Wazowski. Someone who holds another in their arms, at THEIR mercy, and gives none is NOT a hero. Look at the last scene. Randall is far from angry. He’s actually PLEADING for them to listen. What do they do? THEY DON’T CARE TO. AND WHAT’S MORE? They get away with it.
If they DON’T come to terms with Randall and what they did, ALL three of them, then it ends with Sullivan and Wazowski tossing someone THEY-THEN HATED, into another world. THAT, in that world is Banishment, the highest punishment there alongside death penalty, in LAW. And the two GOT AWAY WITH IT.
They’re heroes for “Getting rid of the sharpy-toothed, child scareing lizard” in the eyes of most commons. But in the core of things, they are not. I don’t want them to be denounced, but as it stands they ARE. The story is not over yet.
What makes a person a hero is, yes, protecting others, but also giving your enemy the chance to step away. RANDALL gave THEM a chance. YES. He gave Wazowski and Sullivan a chance to GET OUT of the situation. If he so hated them at heart he never would have given them a chance to get out of the whole mess that he was stuck in. HE GAVE THEM A CHANCE. The least they better do is give him one. And when they had the chance, they betrayed it.

HEROES DO NOT GET REVENGE. They seek JUSTICE. There IS a difference. What Mike and Sulley did was to disregard the law of the land and take matters into their own hands. Just because someone did something wrong to you does NOT mean that it’s perfectly OK and legal to do the same thing right back to them. Revenge is the leading motivator for murder, and jails are full of people who got someone back for some previous thing their victim did to them. I am fully convinced that Mike knew where that door they threw Randall into led to, and that there were likely people inside-people who lived where eating reptilian creatures was commonplace. He and Sulley fully intended for something awful to happen to Randall. I’ve used the analogy before, that if you do something bad to me, and I haul you up to the overpass on an interstate and throw you over it into the path of oncoming traffic, it would be because I intend for you to come to great physical harm. Just because I am not driving the car that runs over you does not absolve me of the crime. Sulley knew that Randall would likely be seriously injured, if not killed, and he just didn’t want that blood on HIS hands, directly. Sulley is no more a hero than any of those scum sitting in prison today, who thought it was OK to get back at someone else. Two wrongs still do not make a right. He didn’t do that to save Boo; Randall’s threat to her was already neutralized when the Scream Extractor was destroyed. If Randall had wanted to do her harm, he had ample opportunity to do so prior to that final confrontation. Randall’s “hatred” of Sulley was cultivated by his boss, to keep him motivated to build that machine. IF indeed he really hated Sulley per se, he would not have even mentioned Sulley working for him in the future, once the machine got approval. No doubt Randall had been promised some executive position by his boss, as a reward for his cooperation, and of course, he also believed that he would be doing something great for his people, just like all the minds out here in OUR world who are trying to come up with alternatives to fossil fuel now.

Everyone knows that the plot with the Scream Extractor was NOT Randall’s idea, but Waternoose’s. Everyone who has ever worked for someone like Waternoose also knows that they will take advantage of a person’s weaknesses, and build on them, to make a situation worse. It’s also pretty obvious that Waternoose did not like Randall at all, but was simply using him. You cannot judge someone who’s in that position until YOU have been there yourself. Some of have, and others are simply intuitive enough to realize that there was far, far more to the story than simply some bad guy who hated the good guy for no reason whatsoever.


As much as I love Randall, we do have to be realistic here. There’s a big difference between characters like Mike and Sulley and Randall. A lot of people watch Monsters, Inc. and like Mike and Sulley- that’s their point. But you don’t get a lot of love or fandom for them, they’re just generally well-liked by most people who have seen the film. Then you get a character like Randall, who is seen by the majority as a bad person and as a villain (and rightly so) and is seen by a few as completely the opposite.

Thing is, a bunch of people loving one character is not going to get him into a sequel, unfortunately. Logistically, it just can’t happen. Bring Randall back causes many other issues that can’t be feasibly dealt with without turning Monsters, Inc. 2 into some talky, adult-type film. And anyway, most people just don’t care about him enough. Introducing him into a sequel would actually be quite confusing, especially for the younger audience. Yes, it would show that a person can turn themselves around, and that’s a valuable lesson, but the aforementioned blood and gore that would have to be involved, plus the discussions between Mike and Sulley and Randall would just be too heavy.

Anyway, I’m against a sequel as a whole anyway. People say that the story is about ‘Mike, Sulley and Boo’. Yes, that’s true, but the original film was really about finding out that things aren’t always what they appear to be- more specifically, that humans aren’t toxic at all. Within that is a sweet story involving a little girl venturing into an unknown world.

So what would a sequel be about? Boo growing up is a popular idea, but even if she does come back into the Monster World, I can’t see how a good story could be built up without resorting to more menial matters. It’s never going to be as big a story as the original, and nor is it going to be as exciting. There would probably need to be an antagonist of some sort, but how would they achieve this without making it seem forced? Waternoose was the perfect ‘villain’, especially with Randall by his side. They both had reasonable and believable motives, and they were both believable ‘bad guys’. Who could this be in a sequel? And introducing new characters just to spice things up would just seem too contrived.

Personally, I’d apply this to most movies out there, including all Pixar movies aside from the Toy Story series, and possibly The Incredibles only because antagonists are easy to come by when involved with a superhero type story.

DocKenobi- Heh, looks like you’ve evoked the wrath of a few Randall-fans. :laughing: See what I meant by the beginning of my post, that Mike and Sulley are generally well-liked, but Randall is either disliked or absolutely loved? But I think we all know that it’s very, very unlikely Randall’s coming back.

And about whether or not Randall is a villain, well, that’s very subjective. He only gets fifteen minutes of screen-time, the rest we have to assume, so it’s very easy to think of him in one way and then think of him in a completely different light. I wonder if the people at Pixar realise what they’ve done when they created Randall? :laughing:

Anyway, getting off-topic here…In summary, Monsters, Inc. 2, no thanks.

I think that, not even Waternoose was blatantly evil. All that he wanted was to keep his family’s company alive. They didn’t really know all that much about people there, and were ultimately scared of them. Probably, none of the monsters involved in the project, (Waternoose, Randall, etc.), thought of kidnapping a child and extracting screams as wrong. If a monster was in our world, I can tell you, that most people would not think twice about using it for experiments.

You can see Randall has reasons for doing what he was doing, since yes, we all act differently under pressure, we can freak out, do things impulsively, or be pressured into doing things that we would not normally do by our peers, or others in positions of authority. I honestly get where Randall’s coming from, but if you are applying this to him, than it must be applied to all.

Sulley and Mike, were also in a ton of stress at that point if you think about it. Mike didn’t filed his paperwork on time, (which he’s always getting in trouble with Roz for), he had a date with Celia, and she would have been mad if he went back to file it, so he asks Sulley to do it. Sulley does, finds the door, accidentally lets Boo in, and freaks out. (You have to remember at this point, that they believe that she may be deadly.) He interrupts Mike’s date, causing tension between Mike and Celia, and then the “thing” escapes, causing Celia to be in the middle of a restaurant shut down. Mike and Sulley don’t know what to do, and Mike’s crazy plans, like releasing it into the wild, clearly show that he is not thinking straight. Then, they see that Sulley’s bag was left at the restaurant scene, which means that there is something traceable, adding to the level of stress. When they try to bring her back, things do not go according to plan, and the situation escalates rapidly. Mike, Sulley, and Randall, are now all freaking out, as they all have a lot to lose.

By the point at the end, where Mike and Sulley throw Randall threw the door, they have been banished, chased, and threatened by Randall. In the adrenaline of the moment, I don’t think they were thinking so far ahead as to contemplate his chances. They all got in too deep in their own respective situations, and none of them are with clean slates and are completely blameless. Mike was wrong, Sulley was wrong, and yes, even Randall was wrong. There is a point in their chase, when they all should have called it quits. But they don’t, and at that point, like I said before, adrenaline can take over, and for the outcome to be different, that fight never should have started.

The thing with Sulley is, that he became very attached and protective of Boo. He saw Randall as a threat, and yes, he could have been partly blinded by emotion, but Randall had tried to strangle him before, so their relationship had clearly deteriorated to the point where things were becoming physical.

Mike was under stress with his job, and trying to fix things with Celia. He was often bullied by Randall, and often those who are bullied, can become bullies in certain situations. Randall clearly bullied, because he was probably pushed around by Waternoose.

Randall, had reached a point, where he was afraid that he was going to lose everything that he had worked on, so when he was strangling Sulley, he was at a point where he was desperate - and yes, he had probably been suffering from lack of sleep, but in the time with Boo, I am sure that Mike and Sulley were too.

Waternoose, like I said before, was probably coming under scrutiny from others in his family, (who were not the ones put in charge of the company), for not running it properly, so he too became desperate, so employed Randall as his engineer/fall-guy.

I suppose that you could argue any of these guy’s points, but they all did some things that are less than respectable. As for Sulley not thinking about Randall, after all that had happened, he was missing Boo, so that’s what he was preoccupied with. Also, he may not actually know what happened to Randall. The doors were not labeled, so he may of just thought that he was banishing him. Yes, it was not for him to do, but if he did it impulsively, what could he really do, except for go in after him, and say, “sorry, but I am not supposed to banish you, so please come back so that I can report you to the authorities”? (Which he wouldn’t have done, because if he threw him through a door, and then came after him, it would have resulted in more physical fighting between him and Randall, especially if Randall thought coming back meant jail time). If Randall was OK, I think he would still blame Sulley and Mike for what happened to him, and his anger would probably blind him, like it does with many, far too often.

  • C-3PO

Blimey! :laughing:

I never knew Monsters Inc. could spark such huge and lengthy opinions!

I honestly can’t see how a Monsters Inc. sequel could be pulled off. The story felt so complete, and not in the toy story sense where there is still and opportunity for new stories to be told. Everything at the end of Monsters Inc. seemed to change their world completely.

I dunno, to me it all feels a bit too complete

I think everything has been said about this though, just thought i’d chime in with my opinion.

Short and sweet! :stuck_out_tongue:

YOU PEOPLE POST SUCH LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG COMMENTS!!! IT"S DRIVING ME NUTS!!! NO ONE HAS THE TIME (or attention span) TO READ SUCH LONG POSTS!!! AND… I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT NOBODY EVEN MENTIONED THE RIDE THAT THE WEBSITE TALKED A SMALL BIT ABOUT!!! SHEESH!! ahem Sorry about the caps screaming. But honestly, I am intereste- oh, wait a MINUTE!!! IS THAT “RIDE” THE MONSTER’S INC. LAUGH FLOOR!!! GYAH!!! ahem once again, my apologies. My dad got singled out on the scare floor once. It was FUNNY!!! Oh, man, now I made a long comment. :imp: GRAAAAACKGHHA!!! ahem Dang.

The few people that were making the long comments were all obviously reading each others long comments, and responding to them. Like a discussion between a few members. You can just skip over them, you don’t have to read them. :confused:

  • C-3PO

I don’t want Monsters, inc 2. :cry: One of the points of the film was that beautiful ending. They simply shouldn’t / mustn’t / can’t create another film after that.

Oddly, I just thought of something. No matter what happened to Randall in the movie, it technically didn’t, since as we see in the out takes, Randall is an actor, just like Mike and Sully, and they don’t seem to mind each other just on the set. Only when the camera is on, and they are in the moment acting.

You know, in the monster version of the Academy awards, Randall was probably recognized for his role in the film. He did a very good job of it, considering how we all forget that he is just acting…

As a young actor, I am sure that Randall was very glad to get that role. I am sure that it would have been fun to play, and the kind that come awards season, is often recognized.

As an actor of Randall’s caliber, he has probably played many carectors, maybe as the leading man sometimes. Sulley could probably play a villien, given the fact that he can act quite ‘scary’ if he wants to, (just look at his demonstration that scared Boo), but I think that he did a good job here… I wonder who the casting director is… :laughing:

Mike probably doesn’t really get recognized around awards season as much, considering that more comedic actors generally don’t. Randall is probably glad to get such a big role in a film like this. Playing the hero is cool, but the antagonist you can sometimes do more with. It’s like writing a bad review for something. It’s great fun! (Although sometimes we have to admit that the average piece of junk is far more meaningful than our criticism designating it so…). You can essentially go on and on, and in some ways it is more freeing that way… I often wonder how many of the lines in here were improv. I could see all of them doing it. The question I do have about this movie is, how do a group of monsters making a movie cast a little human girl in it? hmmm…

  • C-3PO