Mitch's Art

lizardgirl - Gee, thank you! I generally don’t like how I draw EVE, as she’s so difficult for me to sketch. Ah well.

Ha-ha! I didn’t think of that. :laughing:

– Mitch

I think those sketches are good. EVE has varied eye expressions, and WALL•E’s structure especially is pretty much on model.

Yeah, WALL•E’s thinking “I can handle one EVE, but not four!” :stuck_out_tongue:

Rachel - Thanks! The sketches stink, but I was just fooling around. (heheh)

– Mitch

No matter how you feel about them, you can at least be proud that you got the point across in the drawing…:wink:

I like the sketchy feel it’s got going on though…:-D)


Nice sketches, Mitch! I like the variety of different emotions in EVE’s eyes.

Pixfan - Ha-ha! True, true. Thank you! :mrgreen:

bright dot-dasher - Thanks! :smiley:

– Mitch

Thats good Mitch! I’d like to see more of your drawings.

CMB - Thank you very much! :wink:

Linguini and Remy - Birthday Present for Maggie:

Hands - Ratatouille:



I’ve never had much of a problem drawing hands, for some odd reason…

– Mitch

Cute sketches, Mitch! I love the unfinished sketchy look best of all. :smiley:

Man, you should draw MY hands for me… I suck at them!!! :blush: Wish I could draw them as brilliantly as you… sigh

Amazing Mitch! Its good that you don’t have a problem drawing hands, that seems to be a lot of people weak points, along with feet.

I like the Remy and Linguini card aswell!

red - Thanks!

Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll get better at drawing hands the more you practice sketching them. :wink:

CMB - Thank you! :smiley:

– Mitch

Wow!! Those are nice! :smiley:

How long have you been drawing for?

Maggie will love that Ratatouille artistic card you made for her, I know it! You mastered the character designs. And about the hand sketches…wow! I’ve always had issue with drawing hands because the fingers I drew were usually the wrong length beacuase sometimes I mix up left and right hands, facing back or front- but you’re simply amazing. You got skills in Ratatouille fanart!

Roflcoptinator - Thanks! I’ve been drawing for about four years now.

bright dot-dasher - Gee, thank you very much! I really appreciate it.

Yeah, hands can be rather difficult to draw, but they’re fun to sketch once you get the hang of it – at least, for me they are. I’m sure that you’re better at drawing various parts of the human (or animal) body that I suck at. I think most people find it easier to draw the torso and/or facial features, but I fail in those areas. Heh.

Don’t worry. Just keep practicing and you’ll master the hands! :wink:

– Mitch

Nice Mitch! Your hand sketches are awesome! I still struggle with hands. Although, I haven’t really practiced much with them…maybe I should do that. :slight_smile:

Hannahmation - Thanks!

Yep. Practice makes perfect. :wink:

– Mitch

Aw, I’m sure Maggie will love that card, Mitch! And good work on those hands, too. They can be such a pain in the nether regions for some artists, but it’s cool to see that you’ve mastered them!

lizardgirl - Thank you! :smiley:

It’s too bad that a lot of artists have a difficult time drawing hands, because they’re so much freakin’ fun to sketch! (snigger)

– Mitch

Mitch How in the grace of goodness can you draw hands like that?
I always end up with objects resembling shovels, and not very good ones in all honesty!

Practice makes perfect - Drawing Hands is an Art in itself, and you are a master of it!

Captain Pan - Ha-ha. Well, thank you very much! I’ve always had a knack for drawing hands, although I have no idea why. Whereas other people find it easier to sketch, say, the human torso, arms, legs, or facial features, I fail in those areas! Hands, on the other hand, are the easiest things for me to sketch. Heh. It’s a crazy world we live in, no? (snigger)

Don’t worry. With effort, you’ll be able to master the art of drawing hands yourself. Keep at it! :wink:

To anyone who’s having trouble drawing hands: I find that it’s easier to draw these crazy extensions by way of “mapping out” the structure of them first. For example, if you want to draw a closed hand, start with a simple circle and build off of that. I’ll draw you guys an example later so as I can show you what I’m talking about…

– Mitch