lizardgirl - Gee, thank you! I generally don’t like how I draw EVE, as she’s so difficult for me to sketch. Ah well.
Ha-ha! I didn’t think of that.
– Mitch
lizardgirl - Gee, thank you! I generally don’t like how I draw EVE, as she’s so difficult for me to sketch. Ah well.
Ha-ha! I didn’t think of that.
– Mitch
I think those sketches are good. EVE has varied eye expressions, and WALL•E’s structure especially is pretty much on model.
Yeah, WALL•E’s thinking “I can handle one EVE, but not four!”
Rachel - Thanks! The sketches stink, but I was just fooling around. (heheh)
– Mitch
No matter how you feel about them, you can at least be proud that you got the point across in the drawing…
I like the sketchy feel it’s got going on though…
Nice sketches, Mitch! I like the variety of different emotions in EVE’s eyes.
Pixfan - Ha-ha! True, true. Thank you!
bright dot-dasher - Thanks!
– Mitch
Thats good Mitch! I’d like to see more of your drawings.
CMB - Thank you very much!
Linguini and Remy - Birthday Present for Maggie:
Hands - Ratatouille:
I’ve never had much of a problem drawing hands, for some odd reason…
– Mitch
Cute sketches, Mitch! I love the unfinished sketchy look best of all.
Man, you should draw MY hands for me… I suck at them!!! Wish I could draw them as brilliantly as you… sigh
Amazing Mitch! Its good that you don’t have a problem drawing hands, that seems to be a lot of people weak points, along with feet.
I like the Remy and Linguini card aswell!
red - Thanks!
Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll get better at drawing hands the more you practice sketching them.
CMB - Thank you!
– Mitch
Wow!! Those are nice!
How long have you been drawing for?
Maggie will love that Ratatouille artistic card you made for her, I know it! You mastered the character designs. And about the hand sketches…wow! I’ve always had issue with drawing hands because the fingers I drew were usually the wrong length beacuase sometimes I mix up left and right hands, facing back or front- but you’re simply amazing. You got skills in Ratatouille fanart!
Roflcoptinator - Thanks! I’ve been drawing for about four years now.
bright dot-dasher - Gee, thank you very much! I really appreciate it.
Yeah, hands can be rather difficult to draw, but they’re fun to sketch once you get the hang of it – at least, for me they are. I’m sure that you’re better at drawing various parts of the human (or animal) body that I suck at. I think most people find it easier to draw the torso and/or facial features, but I fail in those areas. Heh.
Don’t worry. Just keep practicing and you’ll master the hands!
– Mitch
Nice Mitch! Your hand sketches are awesome! I still struggle with hands. Although, I haven’t really practiced much with them…maybe I should do that.
Hannahmation - Thanks!
Yep. Practice makes perfect.
– Mitch
Aw, I’m sure Maggie will love that card, Mitch! And good work on those hands, too. They can be such a pain in the nether regions for some artists, but it’s cool to see that you’ve mastered them!
lizardgirl - Thank you!
It’s too bad that a lot of artists have a difficult time drawing hands, because they’re so much freakin’ fun to sketch! (snigger)
– Mitch
Mitch How in the grace of goodness can you draw hands like that?
I always end up with objects resembling shovels, and not very good ones in all honesty!
Practice makes perfect - Drawing Hands is an Art in itself, and you are a master of it!
Captain Pan - Ha-ha. Well, thank you very much! I’ve always had a knack for drawing hands, although I have no idea why. Whereas other people find it easier to sketch, say, the human torso, arms, legs, or facial features, I fail in those areas! Hands, on the other hand, are the easiest things for me to sketch. Heh. It’s a crazy world we live in, no? (snigger)
Don’t worry. With effort, you’ll be able to master the art of drawing hands yourself. Keep at it!
To anyone who’s having trouble drawing hands: I find that it’s easier to draw these crazy extensions by way of “mapping out” the structure of them first. For example, if you want to draw a closed hand, start with a simple circle and build off of that. I’ll draw you guys an example later so as I can show you what I’m talking about…
– Mitch