Mitch's Art

Maybe it will loke more distinguishable with color.

The Star Swordsman - True,

you are. However, I have this…“thing” about color: I usually hate to color my drawings because,

well…it doesn’t look as “original” to me, for some reason. That’s just my style – call me crazy.


I said it before,

color brings out the depth, but It is your style, you do what you want.

The Star Swordsman - Well, when I get Photoshop for myself, I’ll probably

color in a few images and “crisp” them up. I’m gonna have fun experimenting with the program. You’ll

get your color then… :wink:

Okay. But then

again, somethings look better in black and white.

The Star Swordsman - Black and white rules over color – of

course, that’s just my opinion. Heheh.

Well, I seem to like you color pics better, but that is just

my opinion.

The Star Swordsman - Really?

Well then…

Let’s just say that that drawing of Helen (that I failed to sketch tonight) will be a

little brighter than most of my other drawings… :wink:

Like I said, I’ll add color every once in a great

while…when I feel like it – heheh.

Color or shading in your next one. That

is what I am gonna reccomend.

The Star Swordsman - I’ll

definitely color Helen – she is going to be wearing her fantastic-looking supersuit, so I’ll have to color

that. As for the shading: I am still practicing on shading techniques, so the shadingon Mrs. Parr may be a little

off-balance, but I’ll do my best. :wink:

I shall be expecting it. Can’t wait.

The Star Swordsman - Thanks

– I’ll get to it when I have the time…and when I feel like it. :smiley:

I am darkened the Remy drawing as we

speak. It will be finished soon…

Well, like I said, I’ll wait for it. You just take

your time.

Here ya’ go:

Ah, that is much better. I can see it


[b]The Star

Swordsman[/b] - Haha – awesome. I’m glad you can see it now. :smiley:

I like the shading. It looks more distinguished.

The Star Swordsman - Thank

you. I will attempt to do the same thing with Helen. :smiley:

I still perfer color.

The Star Swordsman - Sorry, I worded that incorrectly.

I meant that I will

color and shade Helen, if possible. :smiley: