That’s amazing! Pixar would be very impressed. I can’t believe that is made out of cardboard. The detail with the paint job is excellent, too. Well done.
Well, you could write a letter and send them some photos of it. Here’s a thread all about writing to Pixar- How to get Pixarian autophraphs I’m sure they’d love to see it.
make for free? Bahh, humbug. I’ll bet the obvious handsome model from the agency cost a pretty peso. He will only demand more in future assignments because he knows that he is a brand name or trademark.
Anyways, the video you made is too good to be true. I’m going to have to go over it with a magnifying glass before rendering a final verdict.
Edit: actually didn’t the Wall-E Builders Club call this the best construction of the year? Anyways, here is a paper Wall-E that some guy has been patiently building and you can see it step by step, but be prepared to spend a loooonnnng time watching: