My modded Buzz

with a new buzz around the corner, this one will soon be obsolete, so I thought I’d try and pull a Sid (ok not really) and make some minor changes. you know how in the movie the helmet fully retracts? the ones in real life never do. I think its kind of impossible actually, there’s just no way it would ever fit. kinda like how Wall-e’s head and legs would never fit inside that small cube.

but I wanted him to look like he does with it retracted. I mean, besides when was the last time he had his helmet up? Ever since he became self aware its been useless to him anyway.

Similiarly, the wings don’t fold in properly. while I cant change that, I can remove the wings completely to look like they are retracted all the way. so I did that. I may try to give him longer cardboard wings though.

Here are some pictures of the whole thing.

removing the helmet was actually pretty hard. I didn’t want to break the thing, and the back part of the helmet was really secure in there. I was convinced the only way to get it off was to break it. so I started to come to terms with that, and pulled on it pretty hard. somehow it came off unbroken. I have no idea how either. I thought for sure at least one of the tabs holding it on would break, but nope, its perfectly fine. So I can always put it back on if I want to.

That’s amazing Kyle! a creative way to get rid of some of the old toys :wink: I’m just throwing out mine :laughing:

Well, I didn’t say I was getting rid if it, but I am wondering if I could get something decent for it on eBay. I do have the original packaging. Customs can be hit or miss, so I’m not sure what the demand is like for something like this.

Haha, Kyle, that’s definitely a Sid, especially in the photos where Buzz has no head! :laughing: Cool idea to customise your own toys, though.

hahaha, That’s cool! I love wall-e looking a buzz the whole time! :smiley:

O.O my god, how did you do that, and without broke anithing!, WOW!

exclent work!

ps: by the way, the action figure on them third image near wall e its me ! XDDDD

Haha, we’ve got a Sid here! Well, a good-guy one, anyway…
Love the Wall-E and Lord Zedd figurines in the background.

Wow, that’s really, really cool! I wish I could figure out how to do that, it’d be fun to do. It also makes me wonder what happened to all the Toy Story toys that my brother and I used to have…

All you really need is a small screwdriver that fits. take out the screws in the torso in the back, it separates in two, along with the backpack where the wings are. as I mentioned the only hard part is getting that rear part of the helmet off. my only advice for that is just to yank on it really hard.

I wish i still had all of my Buzz action figures.

Looks good man! Just dont let your little sister take him to a tea party. :wink:


Awesome mod. I just bought a cheap buzz on ebay because his helmet was half snapped off. I may attempt this myself. Its an older model however and wonder if the technique would be the same. I am currently using ''Green stuff" on my Mr potatoe head as he looked nothing like the original character. I had to mould the eyebrows and mouth. I will post pictures for soon for constructive criticism. Need an orange nose though if anyone has one spare? no eyelids is irritating me too.

Wow, thats amazing Kyle! I’ve always wanted to see Buzz without his helmet (not just partially retracted). Have you tried modifying his arms so they can be put all the way down to his sides- it always bothered me that TS Buzzs couldn’t do that.

I recently created this site called DIY PIXAR, for people who like modifying/creating/building PIXAR stuff, and we’d love it if you could post some of your process on our Toy Story page! [url]

As far as I could tell, it cant be done. (the arm thing)

I am a new member :laughing:
First,sorry for my english :blush:

I just started a serie about Buzz Lightyear on my flickr => … 641058350/

Buzz have got a lot expressions with his body…But i am limited with is head…
So i have got a question to Kyle:

Do you think,is it possible after removing…to turn the head ???


I believe so, its just that its glued down pretty tight, so you’ll have to find a way to remove that, and maybe add a swivel of some sort.

Oh wow…well My Buzz’s helmet has been off from me dropping him all the time lol, but I did know it could be taken off like that, which I always used to do. And the wings…it took me forever when I was little to realize they folded incorrectly…

Oky thanks :wink: