this is how my desktop looks like!
all the pixar icons down there are for my adobe design programas and miscrosoft office, walle and eve are safari and msn!
what do u think about it ?
this is how my desktop looks like!
all the pixar icons down there are for my adobe design programas and miscrosoft office, walle and eve are safari and msn!
what do u think about it ?
wow! That’s amazing Fabricio84! and welcome to Pixar Planet!
How do you change the icon pics?
Wow, that’s a really cool desktop, and yeah, how do you change the icons?
actually it’s really easy! you just need to download a free softare called “CandyBay” and that’s it! you just download it and open it you’ll know what to do then
Talk about a jaw dropper. That is the best desktop my friend. Really cool.
I’ll have to look into that once I start using my iMac again, I don’t use it much since I got my wonderful lappy. I imagine I’ll start using it fairly often once I get into animating, they’re nice for that stuff. You should work on some more, maybe for every movie? Looks great, I’m sure you’d get a few people to use em.
thanx a lot for the comments! actually i’m making new ones for every single pixar movie, you can find some of them on “Graphics & icons” in this forum
Awesome! I can’t wait to see em!
That’s so cool, Fabricio84! It’s like the most ultimate Pixar fan desktop! I love the little icons at the bottom too, it all looks so sleek. Plus it’s on an Apple computer isn’t it, so that always help make things look extra cool.
Oh, and I’m just gonna move this to the graphics section, as it’s more graphics than fan art.
That is so cool!!! If only it would work for Windows. I would so love to have a Lightning McQueen icon! But I don’t have a Mac.
Fantastic, i love it.
I didnt know you could change ur doc icons?
Hit me with a message and let me know how to do it if u can! Thanks!!
COOL! Simply fabulous!
But…no offense, but…it seems their heads had been chopped. Beheaded. Period.