Nail Polish and Makeup

I have nail polish, but I don’t use it very often.

I just bought matte topcoat today! It works really well.

I know these threads are completely pointless, but I decided to make these because I have like a thousand lip balms, and I would like to see yours too!

I bought 6 new nail polishes today, really excited to use them all!

I have a pumpkin flavored one from Avon that’ve been using for fall :slight_smile:

That’s really cool.

^Nice, what colors?

I’m currently sporting silver!

Did anyone get nail polish for Christmas? I did!

Also, I merged the Lip balm and Nail polish threads to create a thread all about makeup!

Oh ok thanks!

If anyone Is interested I have a makeup blog. Its quite new so there is not much on it. If any of you could check it out it would be great. And maybe follow it? Here is the link:

Yeah actually, quite a bit. 2 Reds, a blue, a white, a black, a glittery black, a silver, and a red/black. Needless to say, I like red & black.

^ Wow, that’s a lot! :laughing: Red & pinks are usually my favorite colors of nail polish.

I did my nails cherry red with glitter paint about a month ago (one of the first times I’ve ever tried painting them myself :open_mouth: ) and a lot of the paint is still clinging!!

Sounds like a nice lil collection! Well, additions to the collection!

That sounds cute!

I wish I’d taken a picture, but I painted my nails a couple weeks ago dark blue, then I overlayed little dabs of purple over them, and coated them in iridescent green/blue glitter, so they would look like a galaxy! They’re still sort of there, but chipped off, lol.

Oh cool. I have seen tutorials on how to do galaxy nails, I always wanted to try it. :smiley:

I’ve been really into glitter and sparkles lately. Right now I have black nail police with multicolor glitter on top.

I love adding glitter on top of nail polish! Makes it look so much better, and makes it last longer.

I’m currently sporting light blue nails with star glitters.

I was bored a few weeks ago and I tried doing a leopard print. One hand looked okay, the other one not so much. :laughing: