Hello everybody!
I am proud to announce the debut of my new DeviantArt journey with my first personal artpiece in years! Yes, believe it or not, I’m in a digital arts course, but all of the work I’ve done is mainly school or assignment-related, so this is the first time in a long, long while I’ve actually indulged my own interests. To be honest, I actuallly set this account up last year, but I’ve done nothing with it, and seeing it’s my final year at uni, I figured: It’s now or never to gain some constructive criticism online before I enter the big bad real world!
So to get things started, I have created a self-portait over the course of two weekends. See how much of my personality and passions you can discern from the montage:
Yes, I’m really that skinny and lanky in real-life. Yes, I have a mole above my lip to the right, and a pathetic haircut. Yes, I do own a suit, minus the tears and the Luxo tie. No, I don’t swagger around in the streets like J.B. with random explosions and various movie scenes taking place in the background. It’s a visual depiction of who I am and what I like which is not suppose to make sense literally.
But I’m sure you got all that. BTW, this is the closest you’re gonna get to seeing my mug, so to all those wondering how I look in real-life, this is pretty close. Man, I need to brush up on my caricatures.
Read the dA art description on the thought process and method I used to make this number. Needless to say, this is the last time in a long while I’m gonna use a Wacom to illustrate an entire piece!
Please drop me a comment (here or on dA) and tell me how I can improve. It’s no use giving one-sentence answers like “Nice, I like it”, or “That sucks” cos I won’t take those seriously. I need your honest opinion, so don’t be afraid to criticise, but give an explanation.
Remember, be ruthless but not without reason! (Cool line, huh? I made that up)
So enjoy! I’ll set up another thread for non-Pixar artwork, but I think this qualifies for now, since I’ve added a few Pixar elements for you to pick out! Thank you, and I hope to enjoy this next stage in my artistic development, while giving you a glimpse into another side to my creative endeavours.
Oh yeah, and here’s my dA account if you wanna read my artistic background and subscribe!