New Pixar movie for 2009?

Up will be an awesome birthday present! Up will hit

theaters one day before my 18th birthday! How cool is that?! :smiley:

JV - Haha – man, you get

all the best birthday presents! :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s cool, JV! Have a great time in

the next…couple years. (snigger) :wink:

Oh man you just gave me a good idea for a birthday party! Thanks JV!

Ha! That’s pretty cool, JV! [i]The

Incredibles[/i] came out sometime around my B-Day (Nov 13), so that’s pretty cool! :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s the first picture from




Thanks to Luxo Jr. aka bawpcwpn

from Upcomingpixar, for this great picture.


it looks really pretty yet dramatic…The rainforest almost looks like something from a prehistoric age…This

film just keeps getting more and more interesting!

Ooh! :open_mouth:

Wow, it

looks so wonderful! I’m getting more and more excited for this one! :sunglasses:

Up is exactly 2 years


Wow, Up looks really amazing! I can’t wait to see it.

[size=92]Whoa, I’m lovin’ it already! :smiley: [/size]

Wow – quite beautiful. It reminds me of a

cross between the island of Nomanisan (in The Incredibles) and Isla Nublar/Sorna (in

the Jurassic Park series). Rather intriguing, I say.

Wonderful! Thank you

for the pictures, guys! :wink:

It kinda looks like [i]The Land before

Time[/i], if anyone else here knows what that is. :smiley:

Gasduude - Yeah! I was trying to think of what other

movie it reminded me of, and The Land Before Time is it! :smiley:

How could anyone

not remember The Land Before Time series? I have every

DVD in the series, excluding the most recent one (The Land Before Time XII, I

believe). I’m such a nut. :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad you agree! Looks like their "Great

Valley", or whatever it was called. :smiley:

Off-Topic: They’re up to twelve videos!? Wow. The last one I

saw was number seven (“Secret of Saurus Rock”, or something). My, that was years ago. Should check 'em

out again sometime… :smiley:

[size=92]Hold on - if we know that Up will definitely be a future Pixar movie, then shouldn’t

there be a board made for it under the other Feature Films boards? Or don’t we have enough

information/confirmation? Or is it still too early…?[/size]

Gasduude - Yep – it’s

called the “Great Valley”.

And yeah, can you believe it? My dad actually worked on the

thirteenth one, which will probably be coming out soon. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, and the seventh installment in the series

is entitled The Stone of Cold Fire. It’s also my least favorite episode. I can’t

stand Petrie. (snigger)

Pixel Candy - That

question is currently being discussed in the Pixar Planet section of these boards.

You can access the thread via this link:



[size=92]Oh, okay…

But also, I’ve seen people on IMDB talking

about an upcoming 2009 film entitled “John Carter Of Mars”, and they keep saying it’s going to be a

Pixar film - but the facts about the movie on the database don’t say Pixar anywhere. So now I’m all darn

confused. :frowning: [/size]

IMDb is pretty slow with updating movie

information, so seeing as someone from Pixar themselves said so, and it was reported in TIME Magazine that Up is

slated for 2009 (JCOM being released in 2009 was just a rumour, I think), then I would go with that.


I’m guessing that JCOM will be after Toy Story 3 (2010), so that would be 2011, I guess. But they are

“in talks” at the moment so we’ll have to play it by ear.

By the way, I can’t wait to see the

Toy Story 3 trailer attached to Up!

PS: My sis and I used to love The Land

Before Time. I loved Peatree. He was so cute. =)

The problem is, we don’t know if the live-action films are being released on the same

schedule as the animated ones, or if their going to be released simultaneosly. Either way, it’s interesting!


JV just posted here about Up, but since there is an ‘Up’ board, I split his post into that thread.

I’m locking this thread, but it shall remain here for your viewing pleasure. :wink:
