I was reading the plot for Pixar’s 12th release, Newt, and thought this would be a great movie to put some root reggae into the soundtrack. I am a huge fan of reggae, and thought some of these songs would be perfect to include if the creators decide to set the film in the tropics:
“Nice Time” by Freddie Mcgregor
“Love and Affection” by Bob Marley
“I’m Still In Love with Your Girl” by Alton Ellis
Have you guys ever thought a particular song would go great in an upcoming Pixar film? What are they?
There’s a beautiful old italian song that would be perfect for the prologue of Up: “Vedrai vedrai” by Luigi Tenco. it is the story of a man [spoil]who promised a wonderful life to his mate, but life is hard… [/spoil]
Lyrics and translation (from here):
[spoil]Quando la sera me ne torno a casa When I come home in the evening
non ho neanche voglia di parlare I’m not even in the mood to talk
tu non guardarmi con quella tenerezza Don’t look at me with that tenderness
come fossi un bambino che ritorna deluso like a child that comes back disappointed
si lo so che questa non è certo la vita Yes, I know this surely ain’t the life
che ho sognato un giorno per noi I once dreamed about for us
vedrai, vedrai you’ll see, you’ll see
vedrai che cambierà you’ll see it will change
forse non sarà domani maybe not tomorrow
ma un bel giorno cambierà but someday it will change
vedrai, vedrai you’ll see, you’ll see
non son finito sai I am not done here, you know
non so dirti come e quando I can’t say how or when
ma vedrai che cambierà but you’ll see it will change
preferirei sapere che piangi I’d rather know that you’re crying
che mi rimproveri di averti delusa that you reproach me that I’ve let you down
e non vederti sempre così dolce and not to see you always, so sweetly,
accettare da me tutto quello che viene accepting anything coming from me
mi fa disperare il pensiero di te I get crazy thinking of you
e di me che non so darti di più and me, who can’t give you more
vedrai, vedrai you’ll see, you’ll see
vedrai che cambierà you’ll see it will change
forse non sarà domani maybe not tomorrow
ma un bel giorno cambierà but someday it will change
vedrai, vedrai you’ll see, you’ll see
no, non son finito sai no, I’m not done here
non so dirti come e quando I don’t know how or when
ma un bel giorno cambierà. but someday it will change.[/spoil]
I’d like to see Thomas Newman do the score again. He’s by far my favorite composer, and I thought he did a fabulous job on the music for Wall-E and Finding Nemo. It all just set the mood for the movie very well, and I’m sure he could blow us all away again with the music in Newt (which I can hardly wait for!)
Yeah I have to say a new guy also! Gary have to find his favorite, or he can use Michael Giacchino who he worked with before on Lifted, plus Mr. Giacchino is my favorite composer and I would always love to hear more from him!
I’d love to see a collaboration between Randy Newman and Michael Giacchino on this one. Michael to do the score and Randy to write some quirky songs to fit a quirky movie.
Whoever will end up doing the soundtrack will certainly do a brilliant, Oscar- and Grammy-worthy job.
The big question is: will download bandwidth and storage space by 2011 have exploded to the point where lossless downloads are a no-brainer?