Non-Animated Movie/TV crushes

This picture is so funny! Sorry it’s not great quality. It’s my new crush Dexter hugging his uncle’s housekeeper. I love the look on her face!

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Here’s another picture of my crush Dexter Paris. He’s from the Columbo episode Double Shock. He has a cooking show and a twin brother named Norman, who’s a banker.
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Another crush of mine is Leonard from the movie North By Northwest. He’s an assistant to the main villain, Mr. Vandamm. Oh, and he’s my avatar right now. :smiley:

This is probably obvious but these are the biggest ones:
From Star Trek it’s Spock

And Dr. McCoy

Yay! I love Spock! I don’t really have a crush on him, but I’ve always been fascinated by him.

lol well he IS a fascinating guy :wink: