Off-Topic Fan Fiction?

I looked over the pixar planet fan fiction index, and i wondered, can you post fan fictions that aren’t fan fiction of pixar? or am i posting in the wrong place for any fan-fiction? Because, i would love to finally bring my novel out to the public, but before i do, i just hope it’s ok to, because one, of course, it is not a pixar fan fiction, and 2, well, it isn’t so appropriate as most off topic fan fictions should, such as:

Very coarse and graphic language,
Gore, Blood and all the gritty contents,
Drug Use, Alcohol Use, Violence,
Sex, Sensuality, Aggravated Feelings.

Just to warn you all…luckily, if i do put this on, i’m going to do it in a file format other than posting it onto the website, for fear that this graphic content might get me flagged off here.

A fanfic section for Different things then Pixar sounds like a good Idea!

There is such a section: the Non-Pixar Art board (a catch-all term for fanfiction, fanart, fan videos, etc.)


Perhaps in the future we can look into sub-sections for this board, but at the moment, you can set up your own thread and just mention it is an original fiction in the title to let readers know.

And yes, you’re doing the right thing, better to leave a link to your fanfic instead of direct-posting if you’re unsure about content suitability. It’ll keep the boards family-friendly, and we have younger members around here.

Good luck! :slight_smile:

Oh… I didn’t know that… Thanks for the Help thedriveintheatre! :slight_smile:

well, THANK GOD i can do that!

Ok, i want to post the thread, but my attachment is unfortunately ODT and apparently, the forum can’t support that. Is there like anyway that i could make a blog and send it there, then send the link?

What about

how about…no?

please, something else could really help!

That… was a bit rude to be honest somethingguy. It was only a suggestion.

But in any case… gets a lot of bad rap, but there’s still excellent fanfiction there to look for and it’s rather convenient. Not to say it doesn’t have it’s bad points. Still I rather like the fact I still have my first and most terrible fanfiction along with gradually improving works and hopefully at-least-decent-at-present works on the same userpage.

But another possibility is to get a livejournal account and go wild, that’s where a lot of writers of mature content go.


I checked the site BTW, it wasn’t waht i thought it would be.

If you want the largest audience not from here when you link it up- is still simply the place to go, plus as I said it’s the best organised and easiest to get fics of a particular fandom, just a few clicks away! (What fandom however are you in?) But their adult equvilant is another possibility- but it doesn’t get as much traffic. (And it’s a bit… ummm.)

Deviantart is somewhere else you could possibly go, but you’d need to check the rules out.

With livejournal you have more freedom however to put up what you want according to the rules set. You basically can just paste it into a livejournal post etc etc. Plus, you just choose to either set before someone access your journal post whether they’re over 14 or over 18 in some cases with slightly more ‘adult’ material.

However if you want people to know it exists outside of here and whatever friends you make there- you’ll have to possibly join an active fan community of the fandom it is from so others know. More discussion also happens on livejournal than say about debates or questions or whatever. Here’s an example of one livejournal community for a fandom I’m in for Avatar: TLA:

Sometimes if a fandom is big enough there will be several too, even seperate ones for specific ships! (I am in about five different communities for Avatar: tla alone. Two are simply for two different and popular ships).

You can use the search function to perhaps look for communities of your specific fandom whatever it might be and hopefully there will be one currently active and appropriate for you.

A lot more swearing and things go on in livejournal in general. Community rules HOWEVER are set by whoever is running the specific community for instance the community above likes to keep things PG-13 so no overt swearing there, usually it’s fine but not always, but warnings are definitly generally appreciated before fics all the same- just because people are old enough to read it doesn’t mean they always want to read it!

Also: be prepared. In certain cases and certain communities you need thick skin.

Well, the site still is under menial construction, maybe it’ll support ODT soon?


Copy and paste the text into your thread. Fix any italics and bold that got lost with BB code. Done.

(Honestly though, isn’t THAT bad. And it DOES support ODT, actually.)

I agree with the rest that Fanfiction is your go-to site to get your work noticed (much like dA is for art, and Youtube is for videos).

But I understand if you have personal reasons why you wouldn’t want to post your work there. You could consider its sister site, Fiction Press, if you have truly original works.

Otherwise, deviantART is a great alternative, as it allows you to post fanfictions.

If you mean this forum, I’m not sure. You could suggest this to Phileas in the Relaunch thread, but as this is a fan-run site that relies on voluntary donations, I doubt it’ll have a dedicated server to host user files. As other members have said, it’s best to include a content disclaimer, and then a URL link to another site. :wink:

Well, let’s hope the best from Phileas that it will support ODT.

And, DeviantArt didn’t seem like a safe website to me, i bet it’s invaded with trolls, ads, and such.

To mentalguru, The fanfiction section i am in right now is Ghost in The Shell, but it’s much more adapted and independent from the story itself except considering some several things, such as:

Characteristics of the main characters.
Revolving time year.
The Events of two more world wars.
Both settings take place in Japan.
(above): Both characters are misanthropic, (one is eventually pessimistic), diligent, skeptical, nostalgic and inspiring bodies.

And, yes, considering the graphic content in the novel, it’s could be in the adult section, and i understand what your trying to get at the adult section. when i originally had the plot laid out, it was a dependent Fan-Fiction novel, but, since I was afraid of copyright infringement once published, as well as my overconfident behavior on the whole situation, i cut off for two years until i went back on, refreshing the whole story for a more independent storyline. When i got done with the first story, I forgot that i was even inspired by the Ghost in the Shell story. But, more specifically in the series, i was inspired by the ultimate main character in the story (even attracted by her, as i’ve said in the Have you Ever had a Crush on a Cartoon Character thread), Mokoto Kusunagi. I wanted to make it graphic because i wanted to make it REAL, trying to sweetcake it isn’t going to get you anywhere in the process. I know, I’ve used REAL indentations and my english teacher says that i could “grow up to be a rich man, writing very many stories”

I’ve took the DeviantArt step, and became a deviant. If anyone can find the work i’ve posted, as well as my comments, good. if they can’t, read this carefully:

I’ve edited Before the Axiom on the submission, so it might be slightly but significantly different, so i suggest you read it again.

Second, Like I’ve said a million, million times about my novel, if you want to read it, it has MATURE CONTENT, and I don’t mean just foul language, I mean every little bit of blood, gore and sexual thrills included as well. And this will be the last time i’ll repeat myself about it: If you have a problem with my story, don’t bother complaining to me about it, and my only suggestion is that you just don’t read it if you don’t like it so much, because others may like it and will take it hard if you just continue to read a story that you don’t even like. This is my last warning about it!

Third, I got some other works I’m thinking about putting on, shown in this forum as well as on DeviantArt. So far, none of them seem too awfully mature, but i’ll let you know if it is!