Official Pixar Planet Happy Birthday Thread

Happy birthday to Haunt and Phileas. (Whew! 'Bout time I revived this thread…)

Happy Birthday, Phileas.

Haunt and Phileas! Two of my favorite members. hope you guys have a happy birthday.

Happy birthday to thedriveintheater!

TDIT: I can’t believe I missed it. To one of my really good friends in PP, hope you had a fantastic Birthday

Happy late bday to the awesome TDIT! :smiley:

Happy birthday to both our former members, JesusFreak and lizardgirl! Hope they’re having a great time today…wherever they may be.

Sorry for the double-post, but…happy birthday, Badger!

Wishing a happy birthday to the awesome lennonluvr9! :smiley:

Hope JSWeC had a super-awesome birthday today! :smiley:

I basically posted this same thing last year, but it bears repeating.

29 years ago, on February 3, 1986, Steve Jobs paid $10 million to purchase Lucasfilm’s Graphics Group. After failing as a tech company and costing Jobs upwards of $50 million, they decided to go solely into film. In 1991, they made a deal with The Walt Disney Company to produce three computer-animated films. 24 years, 14 films, $8.5 billion grossed and one $7.4 billion acquisition by Disney later, we all know them better as Pixar Animation Studios. Happy 29th birthday, Pixar. I think I speak for everyone who loves your films when I say we owe you so much. Thanks, partner.

^I should’ve marked this date on my calendar if I had known that today was the studio’s birthday…almost forgot about that, until I just spotted that previous post just now.

Wow. Never would have even thought of that. Happy birthday, Pixar! 8D

Happy birthday to Villainess! :smiley:

And I have a birthday coming up myself, too…in 4 days I’ll be 20!

Thank you!

I had a WALL-E cake. :smiley:

Did you just say a WALL-E cake?! Oh me gosh I want one of those! <3

Bet you know, I’m already planning to make some cake and cookies…with a Luxo ball design!

Happy Belated birthday to evspixarfan! I had a crazy day yesterday but I’m almost done with those Wall-e sigs you asked for. Hope you had a fantastic day! :slight_smile:

Oh, good! You’re finally working on those sigs I’ve long requested for…

You wanna know what I got yesterday? I got a Doctor Who t-shirt from my sister, a Route 66 puzzle which mom and I will work together on, an Incredibles logo t-shirt I’d seen on Amazon, and a Ravensberger thousand-piece Pixar puzzle which showcases the first 9 feature films (and in the same white packaging as from what I’ve seen on those Disney Store exclusive figure playsets of Nemo and Incredibles, plus the ThinkWays over at the Toys 'R Us!)

And I did have the cake and cookies with Luxo ball design… (My mom helped me make those. :smiley: )

Happy Birthday to all the birthdays I’ve missed!

Happy birthday The Star Swordsman!