Old Priest Predicts The Rapture To Occur On May 21st, 2011

I’m a christian, but seriously. Anyone who predicts anything supernatural must be crazy. I know God is the only one who knows when and what will happen.

The thing that confuses me about Christianity is how the bible taught us of forgiveness, yet some people are hypocrites about it.

You’ll find that in any religion, political party, or group of people with somewhat similar beliefs. It’s just the way the human race is.

Now, i’ll let people live their religion as long as they let me live my anti-religion. But that doesn’t sound so right, anti-religion, so i’ll just say I’ve departed from sanctuary and christ and keep myself in purgatory, if it exists. But i believe purgatory exists here, on earth!

Just clearing things up. I’m not trying to convert you or anyone else! Heck, I live by Christian standards (as in the 10 Comandments and Jesus’s teachings of acceptence) but I have many doubts about the Bible. I’m still on a journey discovering where I stand.

And I agree with you, live and let live! The South Park episode “All About the Mormons” defintely summed up religious acceptence and tolerance up perfectly:

"Look, maybe us Mormons do believe in crazy stories that make absolutely no sense, and maybe Joseph Smith did make it all up, but I have a great life. And a great family, and I have the Book of Mormon to thank for that. The truth is, I don’t care if Joseph Smith made it all up, because what the church teaches now is loving your family, being nice and helping people. And even though people in this town might think that’s stupid, I still choose to believe in it. All I ever did was try to be your friend, Stan, but you’re so high and mighty you couldn’t look past my religion and just be my friend back. You’ve got a lot of growing up to do, buddy. Suck my b*lls."

Basically, everyone has a belief set that works for them. We’re all humans. That’s why I don’t understand members of the Taliban, Christians who say IF YOU DON’T FOLLOW CHRIST YOU GO TO HELL, and other religious fanatics. They forget the cornerstone of every religion is 'Treat your Neighbor as you want to be treated."

Love, Acceptence, and Peace :wink:

Yep (I was going to say that too). He’s a nut case allright (more than likely lost too)

I’m not sure whether to be exasperated at this person for feel sorry for him. Either he’s really that deluded or mislead (which is… sad, really really sad, seriously) or he’s a great scam artist going to cash in on peoples money from this.

I’m just hoping that people don’t sell everything they have or something and are destitute as a result of this.

Thing is people have been predicting the end for a very long time. Some people though it would happen before the apostles would die actually. (Because there was the fact the bible says after all that it wouldn’t be too long, and to get ready for that). There was of course around the year 1000 too I believe a lot of people in Europe went nuts… I think.

And there have been a fair few predictions in the 20th century. Cults before then too mind you (weird off shoots of christianity) have formed- really formed by people who either say the end is to be in a specific year with exact or vague dates. This has at times come from bizarre things and methods like I don’t know dividing the number of books in the bible with verses or something weird like the number of times the bible says some random word.

The simpsons parodied us, but it’s what people have actually done.

Of course beyond the obvious nuttery regarding this whole idea- the thing is people don’t even know if the bible is even COMPLETE. The bible was not carefully put together throughout the ages safely and convidently adding each book as time went along. Also some of these guys who wrote some of the books knew what other books were out there in fact as they wrote their own books themselves. The bible isn’t one big book- but actually a COLLECTION of books hecnce why the book of ‘X’ and all after all. There have been debates in history about what belonged there and what didn’t by christians themselves in the past. Then of course there are the things which were possibly NEVER found.

It’s also thought there are more of Paul’s letters out there after all or used to be, among other things. Plus the catholic bible has extra books the protestant one doesn’t. Plus people still TO THIS DAY debate on books they HAVE which never made it into canon for various reasons. Hence the way I’ve heard them come up with numbers on such basis is rediculous.

Before we even get into the fact some of these people have actually used the ENGLISH translations sometimes.

No. Just no. If you’re going to mess with numbers like a weirdo, use the original languages. I mean it will still be bull what you’re doing but at least TRY and be logical about this.

I’m not a christian anymore, was raised in it though and used to be- and I’ve read enough of the book they supposedly follow to know it also pretty much says to followers they’re not supposed to take some of the signs too seriously if I remember correctly in addition to as already mentioned that you’re not even SUPPOSED to know the exact date. They not only defy basic logic but the very collection of books they claim to follow!

The ‘signs’ after all a part from some of the stranger things include things which already happen and have always happened.

I mean like wars, famine etc etc.

When has there ever been a point in history which HASN’T had that going on somewhere? I mean seriously. Even the bible I believe says that somewhere where you’re not supposed to think the world is automatically ending if you hear things like that. BECAUSE SOME OF THE ‘SIGNS’ HAVE AND ARE ALWAYS ON-GOING.

Plus with regards the more out there signs- of course some people have different opinions on what is symbolic and what is not in the bible in that area- including in ‘end of time’ predictions. It’s all just down to their interpretation or what they fell is true… which really is no better than any other person’s interpretation. Gut feeling might get you somewhere sometimes but if it leads you to predicting exact and very precise end of the world dates it’s time to get off the crazy train.

Yes, signs! Signs everywhere! But it’s rediculous how people never notice how some of the signs are those which have always happened.

(Like as mentioned famine, war and people wanting to put a stop to war, but heeck there’s the thought that the anti-christ is supposed to be charasmatic and want peace in the middle east which is why utter nutters think Obama is but… politions in general in democracy have to appeal to SOMEONE at least. And what sane person wants continual war forever? LOTS of people want peace in the middle east too. I mean to you think even Bush wanted to fight there forever completely drying up American resources even if he perhaps didn’t care about people dying? Which I kind of coubt. I mean I think he’s a bit of an idiot but he’s not a MONSTER. Fail. Complete and utter logic process fail.)

Even more disturbing though is the people trying to ‘help things along’ just to match prophecy as if manipulating events will make it happen faster.

When you think about it that’s incredibly selfish, and even back when I believed I thought that was pretty selfish, I mean the point is that you’d want to save the maximum number of people possible before then- and the sooner the end happened- the less number of people saved. Which was just horrifying to me.

Plus it was weird too even then, I mean I truely and utterly believed in the past- and surely (in my thought process back then), it was going to happen if he ‘willed’ it- but what choice did we have in the matter of ‘when’? I mean really. FORCING things or only doing them to fit a prophecy is not the same. It denotes a lack of trust in its own way for the very deity you worship- as if you have to make things fir somehow in some cheap stage production or that it would hurry things along.

Of course it’s possible a lot of people thing they’re doing ‘god’s will’ in reality that god wants them to do this. But still that was my thought process back then.

Edit: misspellings ho!

Basically people on the topic of predicting exact-date the end of times in christianity, both general logical and biblical conclusions say you won’t get it and to not even bother.

Well, it still won’t get rid the paranoia of 2012…

Ton’s of these guy’s has said this. Most recently 1999/2000, 2006, 2012, they will never end.

Let’s see if the world ends tomorrow!

Technically the prediction is that the RAPTURE will occur tomorrow.

Only ‘true christians’ mind you according to this guy. Which well, depending on who you ask could be the 33% of people who identify as christian or like, 50 people or something (and if it’s the latter we may barely notice! Convenient! I mean after all they could always swing it that it happened but unfortuantly they weren’t chosen, but that would be widely depressing to claim)

And then non-believers such as myself (or people who didn’t believe… in the right way apparently… :-\ ) will apparently suffer for 5 months and the world will end in October.

So yeah.

Be prepared for 5 long months of SUFFERING.

Which will be true for the next few weeks for me at least, since I have exams starting on the 23rd.

Y’know, this was also predicted to have happened in 1844, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1942, 1981, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1993, and 1994. I guess 12th time’s the charm. 8D

upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e … apture.jpg

^ 8D crazy kids! They can’t stop themselves :slight_smile:

Everyone at school is freaking out about this, but I don’t get it. Tomorrow’s gonna come and go the same as always :smiley:

Christians who believe this, in my opinion, aren’t really Christians, as they’re blatantly believing this guy over the Bible. And non Christians who agree with him are just…confused.

Exactly. It just makes me feel safer knowing that not even Jesus has a clue when this is going to happen. I feel bad for the people who believe it, though. I mean, when we’re still around Sunday, what’re they supposed to do?

No kidding. Being a fool has a price, though.

ACtually, 175,243,712,815th times the charm. Don’t forget Past 1844 and AD!

Since i’m Athiest, i have no worries. Let hell strike on the non-believers, if that is what our religion has taught us, to hate others who are unlike us!

Hahaha, I know what you mean, I feel like that too.

Well, should the world end tommorrow, or in 2012, or whenever, what can I do about it? I can’t stop it. So I’m just not going to fret about the rapture or world ending, I’m just going to live my life.
And it WILL happen someday. The end of the world that is, we know that for sure. Everything comes to an end, every star dies. As for rapture, it depends on your views, and it hasn’t been scientifically proven to happen.

But I’m not going to worry about it, because if it happens. It happens. Nothing I can do about it.

Not to be redundant, but I feel the need to share the same quote I just posted in the Quote thread:

“If history is to change, let it change.
If the world is to be destroyed, so be it.
If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh.”

  • Magus, Chrono Trigger

It kind of makes me sad to see so many of my Christian friends getting paranoid about it. But relax - even if it were to happen, God will take care of us.

So while my friends are talkinga bout the rapture on Facebook, I put this up as my status,

"I’ve got a busy weekend ahead of me. (By the way Rapture, can you hold on to my ticket to heaven until the day I die?)