One sentence story game.

“were sorely disappointed. The other heroes had to work harder…”

“to hide Hulk’s identity from the more inquisitive reporters, who were…”

“hoarding anything Hulk related. the heroes…”

“felt very angry at the press. This resulted in…”

“Superman bombing the major TV stations while noone was inside. Next…”

“the media decided they had to strike too. Ron Burgundy yelled “News Team… ASSEMBLE!” and…”

“they were quickly and cleanly gotten ridm of by The Incredibles. Before you knew it, Batman…”

“decided he was getting to old for his work and decided to retire. The other heroes agreed, and accorded to leave their work to…”

“Young Justice and the new Avengers. They all retired in a lovely cottage in…”

“Nepal. Nice, quiet Nepal. Meanwhile, on Monsters, Inc…”

“Sully was busy at work overseeing laugh production, while Mike was…”

“seducing Celia. One of the doors opened and…”

“our heroes came out! everyone was…”

“Mystified by the change in worlds. Next…”

“Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm’s from Aaahh Real Monsters aksed what was the matter, they then saw…”

“a large foot, which killed all the Nickelodeon monsters…”

"including them. Sulley told Mike “…”

"to run. The…

“CDA intercepted the heroes and kicked them out of the Monsters’ world. Sulley and Mike decided to enter a random door and they…”

“ended up in Chicago, where they…”