One sentence story game.

The basic idea of the game is that the first person starts off a sentence, another person finishes it and starts the first word or two of the next sentence. The hopeful result is an eventual story. Can be random or not! Just make it fun.

I’ll give one sentence to start with in addition to the beginning of the next sentence for anyone to finish (and then begin their own sentence!):

“Red Riding hood sighed, sounding incredibly exasperated as she did so. It was…”

This is similer the the One Word story Gam eor Three Word story game.

“time to babysit this kid again, she wished that”

Dont tempt me to write a paragraph 8D
“she could go out and hunt worms with her friend Alice who…”

“is dating a hamburger, she then…”

Hey guys, I think we have a lot of games already. Locking up.

I locked a very old game so that we could unlock this nubile one.

Maybe it gets more successful than the other one.

Stopped for a quick lunch. Afterwards…

“Saw Obama playing hop skotch with his friends who…”

“Weren’t very nice to Red Riding hood. She responded by …”

“Putting a raccoon down their pant’s and then using…”

“dust to blind them, tied them into chairs. They screamed …”

““Mommy mommy help me”, then Eric Cartman…”

“told them to watch South Park. They were extremely…”

“irritated, because they believed the show was of bad taste. So, they instead…”

“swung on vines by their tongues, they then…”

“went to the library of the old Manor, where they found a strangled girl, who obviously…”

“had annoyed Red Riding Hood too. They knew …”

“that Red Riding Hood was systematically strangling her enemies, which made them feel…”

“sick to the stomach. They tried …”

“escaping the mansion from one of the windows, but when they opened they found…”