One sentence story game.

“eating some marshmallows she got at a store. They…”

“were Gelatin free, it turned out. She wrote in her diary”…"

“what she had done that day and then went to sleep in…”

“Her Molten bed. When she woke up…”

“she found she had overslept, and thus she had missed…”

“The midnight showing of Brave. She cried and then ran to the theater to…”

“see if the film had ended. It had, so she turned back the Earth and the time, so that she could get back to the premiere. She…”

“really enjoyed the film. She then…”

“proceeded to write a review and then she tracked down Armond White, for making a ridiculously negative one. Her…”

“review was put in the newspaper. Armond was hiding in a…”

“remote cave, but he was promptly found by Supergirl. She used…”

“heat vision to givve hima hot foot, and made him promise…”

“not to pretend to be a film critic again. White…”

“was convinced. Supergirl’s next mission was…”

“to discover if Elvis Presley was indeed dead. She found…”

“That he was actally alive and he was living in Chicago working at a zoo, he…”

“was visibly old, but he still kept his trademark hairstyle. She visited him and…”

“tried to convince him to go back to making Music. He…”

“refused, since he had found bigger pleasure in his current business, which was…”

“looking after animals. Supergirl…”