Parents, take my survey=)?


I’m working on a research project about how kids interpret Pixar movies for my english class (at University of Central Florida). I have a survey for parents whose kids watch Pixar movies. I would really appreciate it if you take my survey or suggest it to a parent you know!

Thanks :smiley:

I’m not a parent. Most of us here arn’t even married. Most of the members here are in their mid teens to mid twentys. Hope someone takes it though.

Oh okay… thanks, me too! ;-p

Yeah, sorry about that, but Pixarfan91’s right. We don’t have very many parents on here, if any. I did look over the survey though, looks pretty good. :wink:

Yeah. most people that come to this forum are pixar fanatics with no kids. Good luck on your project though.

Thanks guys! :slight_smile:

You’re welcome. When you do finish it, could you report your findings and observations here? I’m interested in the results.