Peach Magazine • Holiday Issue (Dec 2009)

Peach Holiday Edition is now out.
For more information, please check the first post.

Check it out online:

Oh my! I finally get to see Peach magazine!

This is so cool! I like the fact you get to feature some of our own members.

It looks great Phileas…great job with the editing while i was gone and the layout…hopefully i can get back to it now that i have some more time on my hands.

The issue looks fantastic! Excellent work sir, and thanks for including me in the issue. It’s my honor. The whole thing looks excellent, you’ve got a knack for this. :slight_smile:

This was my first time reading the magazine, and I have to say, I love it! 8D It looks really cool, I would almost think it is a real magazine you find in stores! xD

Wow! The design work is fantastic! And it looks to have a good mix of different fandom awesomeness. :smiley:

So, how often are they planning to come out from now on?

Nice job, once again you’ve captivated my eyes with a great read! Can’t wait for the next issue, whenever that may be. :slight_smile:

Oh, and anyone interested in that Wall-E Fangame of mine can look at the development topic right here on this board!:

I want to personally thank Phileas For featuring my fanwork in the Magazine. Thanks buddy. :sunglasses:

Thanks guys for the support! It’s very much appreciated.

Just to let you know that the Peach Website, complete with Mailing List sign-up, is now available.
The site is located at

Signup to the mailing list while you’re there!

I haven’t read this issue yet, but I’m just looking at the minimised version… man, Phileas - you should be a graphic designer or something!

I just read it and boy, I must say that it was so wonderful. I enjoyed reading it and viewing the artwork as well. nicely done.

Nice Layout! I’m defintaly checking it out!

Is this aviable in stores (I doub it…)?

COOL!!! Love it, even if I’m really late. :frowning:

I agree with you Virginia, this issue was wicked! I read it about a month ago myself and I am so looking forward to the next issue!

I’d love to lend my services to Peach . If you need any help Phileas, please let me know.

Wow! Everyone did a great job on this and thanks Phileas for the release! The articles are top-notch and I love how it’s something us Pixar fans ca really relate too.

As others, just let me know if you want my help for any future releases and I’d love to contribute to the next issues.