Pixar Auction Items - SF Aids Walk Charity

OK everyone, sorry for the delay but the logistics behind setting up an official auction ended up being way more complicated than I originally antecipated.

charityfolks.com/cfauctions/ … slrid=1978

Spread the word please. Two weeks!

That’s awesome! Good deal! It’s a bummer that I won’t be able to really buy anything now considering I’ve just become broke (thanks college!) and the poster is starting at a higher price now, but at least you found an outlet! Congrats, hopefully you’ll get some good attention out of it! :wink:

Im pretty excited about this auction. Im planning on winning a few of the items up for auction you can see which ones by looking at the auctions and see if im the high bidder. BTW if the UP Concept art doesnt sell i would be interested in it for the same price range as the other ones i get.

I thought this auction was already over. Ugh…this confuses me!!!