Pixar Auction Items - SF Aids Walk Charity

First of all, thank you to ‘rachelcakes1985’ for the help in posting this to the forums.

I am selling a ton of incredible one-of-a-kind items from Pixar, ranging from signed posters and DVDs, to original framed artwork like sketches and paintings.


eBay closed down the auction as it doesn’t allow friends, family and employees to bid on the items.

We’ll try to get the items up going soon enough but no updates right now. I’m hoping to host a Pixar auction in some official auction house instead.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Wow, what an excellent way to support those in need and help Pixar out, this is really great. I’d help out if I had the money for it (that sketch of Pete’s would be MINE), but I need my money for fall classes and whatnot. :smiley:

Really awesome that you’re doing this. I can’t wait to see what comes out of it!

I agree with ffdude1906, this is a really cool way to support a charity and Pixar. I’m really tempted by that copy of To Infinity and Beyond as I’ve wanted to get that for a while, and it being signed by John Lasseter makes it all the more awesome, but I’m pretty poor at the moment. I’ll certainly keep an eye out in the future when I have more money to spare, though.

Nice idea and welcome to the boards, sfaidswalk! :smiley:

Not sure if edits are announced to subscribed people, so…

Just added an original movie poster for Up, signed by Pete Docter with an original sketch of Carl Fredricksen.



And the Cars movie poster signed by John Lasseter.


Sweet lord, I NEED that Up poster. I might be able to afford it, actually, as long as no one pushes past about 80 bucks. I’ll have to talk to my parents about it, but wow, if I could get my hands on that,… Up shrine in the making right there. :stuck_out_tongue: Then again, that first sketch went for about 400, so I’m not expecting a reasonable price on this one either.

Edit: Ok, to reiterate, on a much higher level, I would DIE to get my mitts on that poster. I’ve just realized that I HAVE TO HAVE IT. I’m keeping my eye on that thing, drowns in puddle of own drool (please don’t bid high, please don’t bid high, please don’t bid,…)

It’s great that you’re doing this for charity, awesome job. Is Pixar supporting this charity personally, or are you just using the proceeds for some memorabilia you’ve managed to get? Just curious.

Hi everyone,

Just added three amazing, VERY limited edition items.
Thanks again!

++ Limited Edition “Cars” men’s watch (1,000 made)


++ Limited Edition “Cars” women’s watch (1,000 made)


++ Limited Edition leather messenger bag from the movie “Up”


I want that messenger bag so bad! xD too bad, i don’t have that kind of money.

Wow, that bag is pretty neat! I’m leaning more towards the poster though, and I can afford it a bit more (at the moment). Thing is about the bag, I wouldn’t wanna use it. It’d just sit there, and look all spiffy with it’s little logo :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, the poster would do that too, but at least that’s its purpose. It’s supposed to sit there and look awesome :smiley: I’m saving my tips up at work for the poster. Hope I can afford it by the time the auction is over.

EDIT: AWWW, no! Competitive bidding has begun, FUDGE. This could be BAD. bites nails This is great for the charity, no question, but potentially bad for me. I would DIE for that poster.

EDIT 2: getting higher,… :\

Hey guys,

Just added two more amazing items…

  1. Signed original sketch by Ronnie Del Carmen and pastel by Paul Topolos for the movie “Up”


  1. Signed original pastel by Paul Topolos for the movie “The Incredibles”


picks jaw off of the floor

Wow, that Up sketch about made me soil myself when I saw what it was. Man, I wish I was rich, that’s a,… almost personal photo, oddly enough. :stuck_out_tongue: I love the sig with the balloons, very cool.

As for the Incredibles pastel, that’s really awesome! Again, don’t have that kind of money. Thanks for sharing!

on a side note, the poster is still very much within my grasp! I’m getting anxious!

OK, and two more…

(thanks ffdude)

These are also unique pastels made by Paul Topolos. They both were used as original reference for the movies and are an integral part of the final look of each.

It’s an incredible opportunity.

As always, I ask you that even if you do not have the money to bid on it, to spread the word to your friends, other fans, parents, friends of parents… you never know who might be able to bid on this and please remember that every dollar raised with all these items goes straight to the SF AIDS Foundation.

Thank you again!

  1. Signed original pastel by Paul Topolos for the movie “Ratatouille” with a sketch of Remy


  1. Signed original pastel by Paul Topolos for the movie “Wall-E”, also signed by Jay Shuster who designed Wall-E (and did a sketch of him on the print as well)


Just to explain something. Pastel is what Pixar calls a colorkey. These four last items that I just added are straight perfect unique reproductions of the digital pastels (also known as colorkeys) painted by as concept art for each respective movie.

Sorry for the confusion, but hope this makes sense.

I like the look of that Up messenger bag. Practical and fanboy-ish!

Good luck with the auctions, sfaidswalk! :smiley:

A quick update. Unfortunately just found out that friends and families of eBay sellers are not allowed to bid on their items and the auction had to be retracted.

iI’ll post and update as soon as I figure out where I can put these items for auction again.


jaw drops

No, no no no no no no. The auction was almost done for the poster!

Um, okay, if something comes up and you cannot get this thing launched, is there any way I could just pay you directly for the poster? I had planned on bidding on it on the last few days. It was still within my price range for how far into bidding it was.

I’d like to know about further items and stuff as well. What a bummer, good luck finding a new outlet for this, it’s really great, and this is terrible that you lost your setup.

That’s a bit of a bummer, sfaidswalk. Will eBay let you post your items up again? If not, then I hope you find some other way to raise money from those items.

Right now it might take at least two weeks to put the items again online, but honestly I’m now looking into official auction houses instead.

I’ll keep this thread updated as soon as I hear something new.

Trust me, the last thing I wanted was this to happen but apparently eBay is not the best place for charity auctions.

Thanks for all your support!

Stupid ebay! :imp:! That stinks that they would take down items for charity. I hope you find another place to sell them.

Have you had any luck finding somewhere to post these items I would LOVE to throw some money your way for this cause and get some original production art. Please keep us updated!