Pixar Cereal

They’re ought to have been! I guess it could’ve been… what? Whole grain bear cubs with will’o the wisps marshmellows? :laughing: Unfortunately, I’d heard that Disney wants to have stopped marketing with every so-called “unhealthy” food company (which probably includes sugary cereals) in the next couple of years. Not cool, man… :angry:

Will O’the Wisps Marshmellows! omg!

But yes, Disney is distancing themselves. When I was little, at Disneyland they had a Covered Wagon in Fronteirland that served ONLY McDonalds Fris. I LOVED that. I’m not a fan of McDonald’s food- but I am crazy for those fris. And it’s not there anymore. :frowning:

^A covered wagon of fries! Awesomeness!
Anyway, yeah… the only reason Disney’s doing it probably is because parents complain about it. But it’s not Disney’s responsibility to feed your kids, it’s the parents’ job to choose what their kids eat. So hopefully someday they might return to sugary cereals, candy, and McDonalds :slight_smile:

That has always been my argument about the McDonald’s health stuff. You CHOOSE what to eat. They don’t make you eat burgers 5 times a day.

I used to get the Mr. Incredible cereal all the time. I loved that stuff. And the Incredibles Cheesesticks <3

^THIS. Nothing fills me with as much rage, as people suing McDonalds for making them unhealthy. I call BS on that.

I understand why Disney is distancing themselves, but I am still disappointed. Getting McDonalds fris from McDonalds isn’t as much fun as in a covered wagon!

I had the Finding Nemo cereal for awhile when it was out. It was alright I guess. Not amazing but decent :slight_smile: