Pixar Comics

I’m still awaiting my Incredibles comic in the mail >_>. I ordered it over a week ago.

Found it!! Now I gotta see if my mom will let me get it! :smiley:

It takes a while Bryko. Mine came in the mail two weeks after its release date.

May 1 was Free Comic Book Day! I hope the comic-book fans and young-at-heart among you had a great day!
Of interest to Pixar fans is one of the free issues given away; an excerpt from BOOM Studio’s new line of Cars comics!
I really wanted to get that one, and I actually visited two comic book stores in the city, but the first didn’t have it (despite being a major bookstore chain) and the second only had a few copies and sold out in the morning (I reached it in the afternoon).
I was sorely disappointed, but as I was walking out the store (my friends were eager to leave), I spotted a stack of the same comic for sale on one of the shelves! :smiley: I’ll probably return another day, but needless to say, I’m glad it’s not a one-off. Though I now have to pay for it. :angry:
At least I got an Owly and Contract comic as consolation.
Were any of you lucky enough to get a copy? :smiley:

Official website description

lol, yeah I figured i’d stop in too and see what the Cars one was all about, since it was free. I was a little disappointed that it was just an excerpt, but then I figured, why would the sell the whole thing if you could get it for free? It was pretty good. Obviously geared towards kids, but it wasnt terrible. Lightning’s arrogance was definitely played up, so much so, that to me he seemed like another Chick. So that exaggeration I didnt quite agree with, and some of the dialogue didnt seem exactly right, but it’s a kiddie comic, and I’m sure the kids will enjoy it. The artwork was pretty good too.

(Although the highlight of the whole thing was meeting a comic book artist and getting an autographed print of his Joker drawing…)

This is really random, but Bryko614 , where did you get your signature image from Up? I just love it! Its so cute!

Sorry to get off topic, I was just curious…

I can’t wait to get my hands on a Pixar comic! If I had the money I’d buy one right now!

If anyone wants to see one of the front covers of the Finding Nemo comic, look here-

Finding Nemo 1 - Cover A

There’s plenty more artwork from the comic on her account, so it might be worth spending some time and having a little look around.

Just got the new Cars comic today, just like it’s predecessor, very good top notch. I just can’t get over the fact that these are Pixar quality, if you haven’t gotten a copy of one of the Incredibles or Cars go out and buy them right now! :smiley:

My 2nd Incredibles commic should arrive in the mail today. HOpefully. If so, then I can’t wait.

I’m not sure whether this has already been mentioned, but I came across a news announcement on Wall-E Forums of the potential release of a new BOOM! series for Wall-E!

Here’s the plot synopsis according to the site (just scroll to the last entry):

Besides supporting the theory of the other Wall-E’s breaking down instead of being shut off (although whether it is Pixar canon can still be debated), the summery itself is heartbreaking already… :cry:

This is gonna be so awesome, like an origins story of sorts! :smiley:

Issue 0 ships November. There are also plans for ongoing series of Cars and Toy Story.

Here’s the announcement link. Thanks goes to Wall-E Dragon for the news.

I’ve never really found any of these. Where can you get them easily? I’d like to look through some of them.

I’ve got an email from one of the authors of the Toy Story Comics from Boom studios. He is wondering if any of you have read the new Toy Story Comics and if you have, what are your thoughts about it?

Oh-me-gosh I gotta revive this thread! :open_mouth:

So apparently…I, too, have seen these comics. And might I say how awesome they were (and still are)! Maybe it’s because I find the stories told in there to be somewhat quite interesting…

You see, back when I was in high school, I would go on over to that one back corner of the kids’ section at Barnes and Noble–and over there I would take the comics out, kneel down on the floor, and flip through the pages. I’m pretty sure I found some in-jokes along the way, and it ended up being that my two favorites would eventually be chosen as “Laugh Factory” and “Recharge”.

Funny thing is, they’ve recently included that “Recharge” comic within the treasury! Oh, and I’ve just recently ordered a copy of “Laugh Factory” and it’s already on the way…

I also have 3 other comics–one of Toy Story, one of Incredibles, and one of WALL-E.

Thank goodness I was able to find them again on eBay! (Along with Amazon findings, of course. They usually don’t sell for more than a few dollars individually…but when I looked at the listings for those, I was actually rather surprised as to how many different versions of the cover art were made for each one!)

*Sorry for getting a little carried away with the details…again. But my flashback here definitely relates to this topic!
