I placed in my order just yesterday. I ordered the special package where I get all four issues of the Incredibles comic, every cover, signed by Mr. Waid, the author himself.
I saw that the Pixar Planet blog already posted this, but I found out about it before hand.
Thanks to Comic Book Resources, they have provided us with an exclusive preview on the upcoming Incredibles comic
Click on the link to see for yourself. I already did. Oh boy did that get me more excited. After reading the preview pages, I have some thoughts to share.
Note, these aren’t spoilers of the whole thing, but they are observations and thoughts. You don’t have to read it. BUt I put spoiler tags around it just in case some of you want to be surprised.
[spoil]I love the covers, especially the first issue where you combine the five to make one big picture. THe last cover looks really mysterious and like a promo picture for the TI Comic.
The opening villain, Futurion looks to be a good start. He looks menacing and his plans to sorta out-futurize us seem diabolical. heck in the book, he threatens the humans that he will de-evolve them or something. Intresting how there is a distinguishable difference between human talking bubbles and the robot talking bubbles.
For those of you who saw the preview pages before these ones, you guessed that Futurion combines dino characteristics with the zool animals. Well, at least Dash seemed eager to jump into action.
I noticed that the Incredibles still call each other by their first name. With so many civilians around, you wonder if one might noticed.
I love how Violet complains assuming the role of baby-sitter (more like baby defender). SHe does got the force fields, so it makes sense to give her the responsibility to protect Jack-Jack. That doesn’t mean she can’t throw in some offense as well. In a page, she forms a force field, stoping an animal in its tracks. And just a few pages later, it is revealed that she could do so much more with her powers as she hurls a force field orb at Futurion, knocking him off of his feet.
Mark Waid has done a terrific job keeping the Incredibles in character. Not only that, but he stays true to the “mundane and fantastic” aspect of the Incredibles. After saving the Metroville Zoo, he tells his family that they were going to have a family meeting after this. Now we all know what they are like the more and more you have family meetings. Waid has definetely stayed true to that.
On page ten, we finally get a clue of what is going on with Bob. It seems that he is slowly losing his strength.
On page 13, I notice an error. At the end of the movie, Bob hurled a car at Syndrome’s manta jet which not only killed Syndrome, but sent the debris falling down on their house. As a result, the family had to move again. But if you look at their house in the comic book, won’t you guys say that it looks a little too similar? Now they got a tree in the front yard, added a second story, and windows are put along the side of the house, unlike their previous house which had high windows. The couchs look new, and after studying the interior a bit, the home-decorating items look new too. But the kitchen looks the same, the family room has got the shelves located behind Helen on page 13, frame number 2.
Bob is hilarious when he starts his speech. The kids look bored and Helen feels helpless.[/spoil]
Anyways, those are just my thoughts after viewing the preview pages. I can’t wait to read the first issue. Wednesday, the 25th of March can’t come soon enough.
Edited. I combined both of your posts. – Mitch