Is there a thread like this? I looked, and saw nothing. If there is, sorry…Who’s your favorite Pixar couple?? I (obviously) love HelenXBob, as well as JessieXBuzz, and WoodyXBo. In my opinion, the only couple that comes close to the emotion of Helen and Bob is Carl and Ellie, who I also love. In fact, they’re my second.
1.) Mr. IncredibleXElastigirl(young and old)
2.)CarlXEllie(young and old)
Not surprisingly, I have to vote for Carl & Ellie. For the relatively short amount of screen time they have together, we get a real sense of their connection, and how and why they complement each other and make such a great “team.”
I also think Bob & Helen are well done, and I like what they’ve done with Jessie and Buzz.