Pixar In-jokes in WALL•E

I really didn’t notice that, Rachel! :laughing: Mind you, it’s been a very, very long time since I saw WALL-E. I’ll most certainly look out for that the next time I watch it; thanks for the heads-up!

A Few Wall-e Easter Eggs! (Sorry if already mentioned)

Hammy: The character John Ratzenberger voiced in Toy Story appeats in WALL-E’s truck. See the photo below, Hammy can be found left of EVE’s head.

Skinner’s Scooter: The scooter Skinner used in Ratatouille can be found in the trashpile early in the film. See photot below.

Hidden Mickey: A subtle formation of a silhouette of the head of Mickey Mouse and his two ears can be found in many Disney films. In The Incredibles, when Mr. Incredible was launched off the airplane to the island, several trees on top of a hill form a hidden Mickey. In WALL-E, a hidden Mickey can be found in the background of a scene on earth (seen above on the upper left corner)

All I can say is that you have a very, very good eye, -Pixfan-. :laughing: Thanks for showing those to us, and welcome to the boards! :smiley:

wow! never woulda seen those in a million years! thanx!

Those images are from here:

Oh yeah, I had bookmarked that slashfilm page before I’d seen the movie, planning to look at it afterwards but totally forgot about it. Some of the comments on that page have some really good in-jokes, too. Thanks for posting them, -PixFan- and for posting the link, Spark.

MORE Wall-E Easter Eggs…

Pizza Planet Truck.

(Couldn’t Get A113)

John Ratzenberger Voices The Character On The Right.

Rex “Toy” In Wall-E’s “House”

“Bolt”, The Upcoming Disney Movie Character can be seen as a “Toy”

The Piston Cup can be Seen in Wall-E.

The “Pixar Lamp” can be seen as “Eve’s Sculpture” Arm.

Eve & Wall-E quickly Pass by “Burn-E”.

Crush From Finding Nemo Can be seen at the End Credits.

The Bird From A Bug’s Life Can be Seen at The End Credits.

-PixFan- - I’ve never been able to find Rex before, neat! And I knew that bobble-head dog must have been from somewhere. That award I don’t think is the Piston Cup because according to my WALL•E sticker book, that trophy says “World’s Best Dad” on it - a mass-produced award by BNL, of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

-PixFan- - Cool. I never could catch Rex in the film before either, so thanks for confirming it. Heheh. :wink:

As for the bird: I’m pretty sure that that’s not the bird from A Bug’s Life. Both the species and the colors of each bird are different.

– Mitch

Oooh Pixfan, Excellent finda. Wih screencaps provided as well. Cool.

I knew that! Cockroaches are invulnerable!
(not an easter egg, but… :slight_smile: )

Wikipedia says:

Don’t you think this can somehow be a cameo of Remy from Ratatouille? :slight_smile:

I found another cameo of Pixar. In the scene where WALL-E is going home and he walks past all of those faded BnL advertisements, you can see a sign saying Buy n Large Eggman Movers. Eggman Movers was that moving company on that truck in Toy Story 1.

That is really neat, Axiom. I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled next time I watch it.

In my sticker book it also says that there are the flamingos from Knick Knack somewhere on Earth. Anyone spotted them yet?

If anyone has any spare time and could get some screen caps of any Pixar in-jokes in WALL•E, that would be great. As of yet I don’t have any screencaps, and I also don’t own the DVD… it would be a great help so that when I do get the DVD, it won’t be such a massive task to go through the movie finding every single one to add to The Definitive Pixar In-jokes List. Thanks in advance to anyone who does provide some screen caps. =)

Can anyone recognise any Pixarian names in this screenshot? (Click to enlarge)

Plus, the voice that says “A service bot will be with you momentarily” when we first see John after he falls over, that sounds to me like Teddy Newton. Does anyone else think so?

After watching Toy Story 3 for the first time, I decided to rewatch Wall-E. I was surprised to find Lotso hidden in Wall-E’s trailer among other peices of trash! You can never see it clearly, because every time it is on-screen it is out of focus, but it is obviously a pink teddy bear. The most obvious spot is when Eve is first introduced to Wall-E’s trailer, and investigates his knick knacks. When Wall-E hands her the Rubick’s Cube he goes to get Hello, Dolly! and returns to find the cube completed. If you pause at the exact moment when Wall-E goes to the iPod for the movie, you can see Lotso in the background resting on some peices of junk. If this really is Lotso Huggin’ Bear, then this would mean he had a cameo in a Pixar film before Up! However, even if it isn’t the same Lotso from Toy Story 3, it is obviously a pink teddy bear of sorts.

I don’t have a picture of it, but you can see it in this video at about 2:56. He is very blurry, but you can make him out in the bottom left corner.
[url]- YouTube

My first reaction was pink hippo, but I can see how that could be Lotso!

As for the Pink Flamingos, I remember seeing them in the far upper right hand corner as Wall-e enters his trailer for the first or second time.

There won’t be any Wall-E Easter eggs in John Carter of Mars, so says Andrew Stanton a few days ago:

fandango.com/movie-trailer/j … 2191803439

You have to skip to the relevant trailer to bypass all the other JCofM ads. With all the Mars rovers, such as Curiosity, it would seem natural for our Wall-E to be seen in the distance tooling around, with a little dust cloud trailing behind.

The thread concerning Wall-E being in other movies was closed, not sure where to look for supposed additional threads on that topic…

Oh, Mr. Stanton looks like he did 8 years ago, same haircut and seems to have lost some weight. Maybe he adopted some of J.L.'s 5:30 a.m. regimen. Probably would have to be in-house. I was in Mill Valley recently and the chain gym I’m a member of has a really dinky outlet in that town. Had to go 10 miles to get to a nice, large one. You really need a wide variety of equipment to select what is right for you to help slim down.

I can understand his decision not to have a cameo because John Carter takes place in the early 20th century and Wall-Es weren’t built until around the late 21st/early 22nd century in their canon. And there are no rovers at this point either.

Would’ve been cool, but wouldn’t have made much sense from a storytelling standpoint.