Pixar In-jokes in WALL•E

I only saw the A113 injoke, since it was so blantantly obvious, but I didn’t catch anything else. Next time I see it, I’ll look a little closer.

aww i found a cool detailed site with all of the in jokes in it and i just lost it :stuck_out_tongue:

funny new sig, moonstarms!!!

Oh, if you ever find it again, plase post it up.

the sig isnt new and ty the av is though i changed it again you people like the 1st or 2nd?

The Pizza truck is [spoil]in the beginning of Eve’s part when she is scanning a lot of things, she scans a big truck, it covers the WHOLE screen. And she gets mad and slams the front hatch. I didn’t notice the first time it was that certain truck, but knew it was a truck. You will notice it.[/spoil]


The first time I saw WALL•E I caught A113 (although, you’d have to be blind not to see it) and the Pizza Planet Truck, of which, even though it did take up the whole screen, practically, it was very quick. One Pixar in-joke I’m surprised it hasn’t been mentioned yet is [spoil]in the Captain’s HQs (or whatever you call that room), on the wall there are pictures of past captains, with their names being Pixarian names.[/spoil]

Really ? I didn’t notice that Rachel.

Rachel- I noticed that in my latest viewing, one name that stood out was Captain Brace, probably a reference to Pixar’s Max Brace.

Before I even saw Wall-E, I expected there to be a garbage cube from Monsters, Inc. in there (you know, the scene with Boo and the garbage disposal?). It might be hard to tell anyway, because the garbage cubes don’t really seem to differ.
But maybe there could have been one with a monster costume antenna sticking out. (I haven’t found it, if it’s there at all).

The captain that stood out the me was Captain O’Brien. He he. :wink:

I didn’t catch the hint that the names of the [spoil]past captains[/spoil] were a reference to Pixar employees’ names, although that may be because they rolled by the screen so fast.

Rachel - Heheh. Captain O’Brien. :wink:

The name “O’Brien” always reminds me of the character of Miles O’Brien in Star Trek: The Next Generation. (heheh)

– Mitch

[spoil]The past captain names aren’t that fast. In fact, if I remember correctly, they are on screen for a good minute or too behind the Captain, and also when he is talking about the past captains, obviously.[/spoil]

Really? I was actually planning to name my future son Miles (named after Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog.) That’s really cool, though. O’Brien reminds me of Conan O’Brien.

But back on topic. :wink:

This aint pixar reliant, but I think would be neat if i mention this. Did anyone notice that there were two Sputnik references? One was when Wall-E existed the earth atmosphere and Sputnik was stunk on his face for a second. And the another Sputnik can be seen in the captain’s room, when the captain is discovering new things with his computer. :sunglasses:

I noticed Rex, but that’s because I was looking for him. In the Wall-E game, he’s one of the artifacts you can find, so I was on the lookout to see if the game had basis for that. :slight_smile:

When EVE picked up the lightbulb the noise sounded a bit like Buzz’s laser.
Also when Wall.e went ‘oooooohhhh’ while watching EVE after she landed it sounded a bit like the Toy Story green aliens.

Never noticed that before, SadStrangeLittleMan! Nice work! =)

I have never been able to spot anything in the trash or inside WALL•E’s trailer that were props in other Pixar movies… Probably following the story too much to notice.

Has anyone spotted the reference to Up? Pixar always references their next movie. And does anyone know who Andrew Stanton voices in the movie, or any other Pixarians?

There might be one with Boo’s fake eye stem sticking out.

that might have some truth to it…would be good to look for it…lots of places.