Pixar In-Jokes

Darn. I think I missed every single one of these “In Jokes”. Oh well. Guess that’s what second showings are for. Good thing I plan on seeing this movie 4 or 5 times! :stuck_out_tongue:

You might not catch anything on your second helping, like me…I was still captivated by everything…

JV - Oh, thank you, JV!! Thank you, thank you, thank…you!!! I just knew that it had to be entangled within the “Skinner Chases Remy” sequence, but I simply couldn’t find it! Thanks to you, I now know where to look! I’ll keep my eyes on that bridge…

Thanks again, JV! :wink:

Oh, and I found…

[spoil]…Bomb Voyage.[/spoil]

:confused: I don’t get that one…

I didn’t see [spoil]Bomb Voyage…[/spoil] I’ll have to look out for that.

I didn’t see the Pixar Planet truck either! But I’m just glad Bird put it in; I missed it in TI! I was really just paying attention to the story; I missed all those references. Oh well. I’ll catch 'em when I watch it again!

Did you notice the Family Dog cameo as a shadow barking at Rémy ?

Kinoo - No, but I’m not surprised at all. Gotta love Brad for putting in those references. :smiley:

I say [spoil]Bomb Voyage and the incredibles boxers (or so I think)[/spoil] I have to watch it again to see the [spoil]Pizza Planet truck[/spoil]. I missed it, but i was looking for it

[spoil]It’s a tribute to Vice-President Dick Cheney who famously and inadvertantly shot a friend he was hunting with a couple of years ago with a shot gun. The media made quite a to do about it. Fortunately the friend made a full recovery.[/spoil]

Kinoo - Aha! So that’s what that dog was a reference to! I thought I smelled an in-joke… :wink:

I don’t understand… :confused: I remember the dog, but I don’t see how that could tie in with any other Pixar film, except maybe Toy Story…

JF - It’s not a reference to Pixar film - but rather the hour long episode/short run TV series “Family Dog” written and directed by Brad Bird for the Steven Spielberg series “Amazing Stories.”

Ahhhh, I see! It makes sense now. Thanks Dash!

Ohhhkaay. I do remember that. Wow - don’t I feel smart…
Thanks, Dash!

Here are some of the ‘Ratatouille’ inside jokes:

[spoil]• The Pizza Planet Truck can be seen on a bridge over the Seine during the scene in which Skinner is chasing Remy.

• Mabel’s living room has several framed photos depicting Mabel and her late husband as members of the French resistance during WWII. This might explain how Mabel learned to use a shotgun.

• The character Bomb Voyage appearance is the front-page headline and photo on the newspaper Colette is reading with the Solene Le Claire review.

• Restaurant critic Anton Ego’s (voice of Peter O’Toole) office is shaped like a coffin to reinforce the idea that a bad

review from Ego can be the “death” of a restaurant.

• There were 372 graphics created that appear on food labels, boxes, street signs, posters, and businesses. Many of these graphics are named after ‘Ratatouille’ crew members.

• Lasseter Cabernet Sauvignon is named for executive producer John Lasseter.

• “Bar Des 7 Chanceux” is a storefront seen on the streets of Paris. It is named for the “Lucky 7 Lounge,” a homemade secret lounge inside Pixar Animation Studios. [/spoil]

Found at: azcentral.com/business/consu … 06-ON.html

Ahaha! Awesome! Some of those are pretty funny. Thanks for the information and link, JV. :smiley:

Really? Cool. I’ll have to keep an eye out for that. (Figures that something mildly interesting was on the front page of that newspaper. I was looking at it, but I guess I didn’t look hard enough to notice the afore-mentioned fun fact. Heh.)

Haha. They always do stuff like that…

Oh yeah, I remember that lounge! The actually have two of them: They “Lucky 7 Lounge” and the “Love Lounge”. The “Lucky 7 Lounge” is cooler, in my opinion. It has a pool table and everything…I think… (snigger)

Thanks again, JV! :smiley:

here are some more:

[spoil]Chateau-Bird Champagne named for director Brad Bird
Chateau-Jessup Pauillac Medoc named for production designer Harley Jessup
Colette rides a “Calahan” branded motorcycle, named after Sharon Calahan, the director of photography/lighting.
The “Bouchiba” brand spaghetti Linguini cooks with in his apartment is named for animator Bolhem Bouchiba.
The “Bradford” mixer in the kitchen is named for producer Brad Lewis
The “Susman” brand olive oil is named for associate producer Galyn Susman. [/spoil]

found at: slashfilm.com/2007/07/06/rat … -revealed/

Is that that wine that…

[spoil]…Skinner served to Linguini to get him drunk?[/spoil]

Mitch - Humm, I not sure.

I did a whole post about these easter eggs on my blog: jvpixarnews.blogspot.com/2007/07 … ealed.html


Click of picture for bigger image.

Young Anton Ego, Bomb V, Ramon from Cars.

JV - Dude, where did you get that image?!