Pixar In-Jokes

Yeah I was wondering the same thing Maggie was. Nice find JV!!! :wink:

Oh my gosh is that neat! Bomb Voyage and lil’ Ego! Love the piccy…

However,me see no Ramone. :frowning:

P.S. I bet you can guess just why I love that piccy… :stuck_out_tongue:

^ What she said… ;-p

JV: Awesome picture dude! I can see all the stuff that i missed in that shot! Thanks JV.

This is where I found the screen: comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=21776

Wow, those are a lot of stuff that I missed. When i watch it again, I will be sure to look for them. Thanks for the link JV.

So that’s where he was, heheheh. I never could seem to figure that one out. Thanks for the info, JV .

JV - I just knew that that was a young version of Anton Ego! I just knew it! :smiley:

Thanks for the picture and for pin-pointing out the cool facts, dude. :wink:

So obviously that’s the scene where you want to look for stuff!

Thanks JV!

No problem guys!

I hope this hasn’t been mentioned yet…

[spoil]Bomb Voyage makes 2 appearances in Ratatouille. The first obvious one is on the street while Linguini and Colette are skating. The second appearance is on the cover of the newspaper that Colette reads from.[/spoil]

Edited. Added spoiler tags. – Mitch

JesusFreak - It’s been mentioned (only once) before, but thanks for bringing it up again! :wink:

Only once? Meh…That’s not so bad.

Hmm, I think I have to go and watch it again to look for “That” again.

Sorry to disappoint, but I just came back from watching Ratatouille again, and the dog was NOT the one from Family Dog.

The family dog is a caricaturization, while the barking dog clearly isn’t.


:open_mouth: I remember that show now!!! SWEET!

PV - Ah heck – that sucks. Oh well. Cool picture, anyway – brings back memories. I don’t think I’d ever laughed so hard at a film in my young kiddy life… :wink:

Haha Young Anton Ego is really funny!

I saw the Pizza Planet Truck. It’s surprisingly one of the toughest Pizza Planet Trucks to find in any Pixar film. At least it’s not non-existant like it is in The Incredibles.

Does anyone have a clue to what kind of dog the barking dog was? Because when I first saw it, it kinda reminded me of Buster from TS2. Anyone got a pitcure of it?

TSS - Hmm, I never thought of Buster. That would be cool…