Pixar Planet and Upcoming Pixar Form A Partnership

After months of deliberation and planning, Upcoming Pixar and Pixar Planet have formed a new an exciting partnership.

Upcoming Pixar can now be found at pixarplanet.com/blog/ after an amazing redesign by our very own Mell_O_Drama. You have no idea how hard she worked on designing it and to which we are also eternally grateful. But I would also like to be eternally grateful and a big thanks to Dash, PixarVixen and every one else behind the scenes at PP who helped. If I missed thanking anyone else it is becauseI was on the outside until today as to keep it all very hush hush and a big surprise for you all, and I didn’t know.

In the near future, UpcomingPixar.com will redirect to the new blog, and pixarplanet.com/blog/ as to get re-listed faster on Google, and keep our ranking up. We don’t particularly want the traffic being split over 3 domains.

There are some new features on the new UP site such as easily submitting the articles to some popular social networking sites, as well as your profile pic and name showing up if you are a part of the forums when you make a comment.

Please be aware of bugs and issues with the site. We have tried to stamp them all out before today. Our deadline was a significant date. The first day of the new year, and also at 01:13AM, another nod to A113.

We hope you all enjoy the site and Happy New Year and Merger Day!! You can read the press release here.

Hooray! Pixar Planet has a second moon! :mrgreen:

Welcome aboard the Brain Trust, Thomas my friend. :sunglasses:


I hope everyone enjoys it! If y’all have any problems or if you notice anything unusual, just let me know on the troubleshooting forum and I’ll sort it out. Aside from that, let us know what you think!

Mell- I really like it, but theres a problem
 It doesn’t work on my Wii or PSP (where I usually visit the site). I hope that somehow you can make a “dumbed down” version I can access. It would be a shame if I couldn’t use UP on my “mobile” browsers. Well’ hope my suggestion helps. Oh, and congratulations and Happy New Year!
Note: I didn’t use the troubleshooting page because I didn’t feel it was under the category and I wanted others (who might feel the same way) to know.

It shouldn’t be any different from looking at the main Pixar Planet site or the forums on a mobile device. I’ve added in some code to display the site differently in Wii and PSP browsers but because I have neither, I have no way of checking if it’s working okay. Let me know if it displays better for you now.

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! It looks great! One little suggestion: is there a way you could remove the code for the Wii and leave it for the PSP. See, on the Wii it had very minor bugs, but on the PSP it didn’t even load up. So now it works on Wii but somehow not on PSP but I think the Wii deserves the new look. I don’t know why it doesn’t read right on PSp. BTW it looks great (just like the rest of the site).
Thank you ;D
P.S. Kinda weird that the “new” layout of the homepage works on PSP and all the other links worked but the blog didn’t, do you have any idea why?
EDIT: It doesn’t work on my PSP, but on Wii it’s all text
 I don’t get why PSP doesn’t read it like my Wii does.
Edit #2: It “works” on the PSP like you intend it to, it just doesn’t load, to view it I have to wait for my PSP to go into sleep mode and turn it back on which takes 15 minutes just to bring the page up. Again, the strange part is that ALL aspects of Pixar Planet (not including Radio Pixar) work on my PSP and Wii besides the blog.

Okay Martini, I’ve just put it back the way it was for now.

Oh, how cool! I always thought it would be neat if you both became affiliated with each other somehow

This is awesome! It’s just what both Pixar Planet and Upcoming Pixar needed! Well done everyone involved with this merger- it certainly looks as though your hard work has paid off! :smiley:

Congratulations to all involved. This is a very exciting time for Pixar Planet members, as well as a nice surprise to bring in the new year. This is the very thing that Pixar’s motto, “Keep moving forward”, is about.

Oh, and congratulations to bawpcwpn on becoming Pixar Planet’s first Aussie team member. Heheh.

PS I love the press release. :wink:

This is exciting news to hear! Congrats to Thomas as well.

Does this mean you’ll get to it eventually?
If so, thanks, and take your time.
Also sorry if I sound unnecesarily demanding and/or pushy, it’s just that I’m upset that I may be unable to view my favorite blog.

Isn’t it interesting how a seemingly diminutive collaboration of individuals will, when presented the opportunity to brainstorm, catechize, and socialize, eventually evolve into an agglomeration of

I don’t know about you, but this kinda reminds me of Pixar Animation Studios’ humble beginnings – just a few guys sharing their ideas and collaborating. T’would be kinda interesting if the same thing happened with us (Pixar Planet and Upcoming Pixar). Kinda cool, actually

Congratulations to both Pixar Planet and Upcoming Pixar for their awesome and victorious merge! Congratulations to you, Mr. Huxley/bawpcwpn, as well, for being granted the position of Pixar Planet Brain Trust member. You’ll make a fine moderator.

Man, this is what happens when I leave for a month

– Mitch

I’m not sure what the deal is with the computer - I mostly use Safari, but every time I try to go to the blogspot, I get booted off. :frowning:

Either way, this is awesome news!! :smiley: Can’t wait to see how it’ll grow in the future!

CGI Clownfish: I use Safari also and whenever I go to pixarplanet.com/blog/ - why not just change your bookmarks or whatever to reflect the new address?

I use two computers - I tried typing the new address in one of them and it kicked me off, but it seems to work fine on my own laptop. :open_mouth: Weird, but I’ll change bookmarks and such - thanks! :wink:

I split the posts regarding blog errors into a thread in the Troubleshooting sub-forum:

Blog blunders
