Pixar Planet Awards 2011 - General Discussion

I got nominated for one thing, but that’s enough for me. It still feels very nice. :smiley:

Actually, Pizza Planet Truck, you DID get nominated for Best Thread Creator.

I was actually a little surprised that I got nominated in 6 different categories.

I was surprised that I got nominated in 3.

I was pleasently surprised that I got nominated for any!

oh and will we recieve a relpy to know that our votes were sent?

Holy Moly you’re right I did get nominated! I didn’t even know that category existed… XD
Anyway, I’m still gunning for next years awards in all the signature categories. :stuck_out_tongue:

Your vote came through. For everyone who sent in their votes, you have been accounted for.

I just wanted to say, that you (The Star Swordsman) and Little Chef are doing an awesome job hosting it.

Thank you so much, pixarmilan! That means a lot to me especially since this is my very first time hosting them! :'D

This is shaping up to be a pretty interesting year as far as awards go… I can’t wait to get more results in!! I would like to encourage those who haven’t voted yet to please try and fill out the ballots as well as you can! It will help break ties and it’s looking to be a reeeally tight race right now in some areas, so the more categories we get votes for, the better and clearer the results will be!! :slight_smile:

Excitement is in the air! :smiley: Just a few more days left to vote!!

little chef

I second that! :smiley:

Oooh! That just makes it more exciting! :mrgreen:

Your welcome Little Chef.

I just sent in my nominations. :smiley: I’m so excited to see who wins!

And yes, thank you very much for hosting, little chef and TSS! You guys are great!

…wait it is tommorrow right? 8D
Cant wait!

The winners will be announced shortly after the nominations sre closed.

I think today is the last vote day. The time sure flew by!

I would like to thank TSS and little-chef for hosting a fantastic PPA! It has sure been a pleasure to take part in them for the first time. :smiley:

Thanks Lil’chef and TSS for all the work and time youve put into this.
And thank you to the people that voted for me!

Hey TSS/little_chef, did you get my vote? Just checkin’. :wink:

I believe the voting period is now closed. So to everyone who participated, thank you. To those who voted for me, thank you very much! :stuck_out_tongue:

And now we wait. The tension is rising!

Can’t wait to see who wins what awards!

I sent in my vote about a day after voting commenced if I remember correctly. Don’t expect to win this year, but I was glad to be nominated just like last year. :slight_smile: