Pixar Planet Chat-O-Rama! - Chatroom Session Timings

I’m in the room right now. I really wanted to organise a chat and catch up on things. If anyone wants to join me, I’ll be right here.

Maybe post an event on FB or “advertise” an event in your signature? I think it’d be great if we could gather for a Skype or text chat on the weekend. :slight_smile:

Yeah we should advertise on tumblr, twitter, and fb.

(Who is even in charge of those pages?)

shrugs Beats me, EJE! Maybe we should go ask Phileas! :slight_smile:

I don’t even know where the chatroom is on here…

Scroll over “Menu” in the top left hand corner. It’ll open some options, with “Chatroom” being one of them.

Hey, guys!

We’ve been doing a few quizzes in the chatroom occasionally, which have been so much fun. But we don’t always have to do quizzes: I was thinking maybe we could have a chat session. We basically just sit around and talk with each other about random topics. Not quite as formal as a quiz, but these are great ways to get to know other members of Pixar Planet. They are a BLAST when we have a big group of members.

Let me know if you’d be interested, and we’ll see if we can plan something. :smiley:

Sounds great! Count me in!

K9Girl - YES! :smiley: Whatever date we do it on, I already can’t wait!

Sounds cool to me. I’d like to get to know the members better–few as the regular ones may be lol.

Let’s see if you think this time might work:

timeanddate.com/worldclock/m … 136&p5=240

I’m just throwing this out there: I have no idea where some of you guys are, or even if that time will work for me. :laughing: Let me know what you think.

Won’t work for me. I will be on an airplane during that time with no Internet. However I do think that general time is good, just a different date is necessary.

Agreed that the general time is good. I can be here any day at that time (except the tenth, so don’t move to that day).

At this point, I might move it to the same time, but on the next week. I just remembered I might be gone that day, too.

Anytime before August is good for me.

Perhaps we should set up a poll to gage what times and dates work best for everyone.

eje: Oh, man, that would be so helpful.:laughing: Also knowing whatever country you’r in would help a lot.

For now, I’m going to keep the time, but we’ll move it to the nest week.

Let’s try this time: timeanddate.com/worldclock/m … 136&p5=240

That time should work for me.

That should work. Won’t guarantee it, but I think it will.

I’m good with that time.