Pixar Planet Facebook Page

I remember I joined the pixar planet facebook page first, before joining the forum

Is that how you found out at the forums?

I like the page, but it never gets updated!

How did you find out about the page?

I thought I was a member of something on Facebook already! So confuzzled XD Oh well, I join this too. I’m glad someone moved this post up or I wouldn’t have ever found out!

actually not, I used to visit Upcoming Pixar (Pixar Planet) everyday, then I just wanted to know if it had a facebook fan page, and after that I found out the forum and started to read it,later I joined

Did you guys also make this PP page? I saw it a long time ago but never liked it because it looks diffrent ans they speak another language. Two members like it though.


^ That language is French, and page is unrelated to this Pixar Planet.

Then what is it?

I don’t know, I do not speak French. But we don’t have a copright on the name Pixar Planet.

I went to their site. Couldn’t read much. Because it’s unrelated and in french I don’t see a reason to like it. Would be kinda pointless since I can’t read it.

I wish our page would be fixed already. Is it even there anymore?

What do you mean? I thought it just dosen’t get updates anymore.

I think it’s gone, but even if it isn’t, it’s never used. Which is too bad. I messaged the groups administrators, one of the original founders, asking if I could take over the page for them, since the admins of the FB page are inactive. But I never got a response.

Aw. I barely got to use it myself.

Yeah, there are tons of Facebook PP users, and I think that having a FB page would be a great thing. I can see what I can do to resurrect it.

Thanks, that would be terrific. :smiley:


So, there’s only 11 members on the page, and it’s very disactive! But the more people who join, the more active it’ll be!

Cool! It’s a neat page. Also, thanks for posting the new clip. Loved it!

No problem, I just hope people use it more often!

I plan on it myself.