Turbo-tastic! In our latest PPMN, we’ll be watching Wreck-it Ralph, starting on Sun 3rd March 4AM GMT / Sat 2nd March 8PM US PST.
Find out about this current PPMN here:
What is a PPMN? Pixar Planet Movie Night is where Planeteers, new and old, band together to watch a Disney•Pixar movie in a friendly, easy-going environment. Since 2009, we’ve hosted countless PPMNs, and with every single night, you always have a blast!
In order to participate in a PPMN, you’ll need the following:
- a broadband internet connection,
- a Skype account,
- a microphone,
- a web browser,
- preferably & if available, a copy of the movie, just in case we manually sync the film together (old-school style!),
- a good attitude!
- OPTIONAL: A movie you wish to watch, in case we wish to watch a 2nd movie or if the chosen film is not available (Pixar and Disney movies are preferred, to increase the likelihood that members here will have your suggested movie, and can join in)
Please see the individual PPMN posts to see the individual night’s chosen movie and details on how to join.
Hope to see you soon at the next PPMN!
Original Post
(Hope you dig the banner!)
I came up with the idea of gathering any willing Pixar Planet members on Skype, and watching movies together in a conference call, while commenting and conversing with eachother. The first outing was a great success, featuring the great Pixar film, Finding Nemo. I intend to host this event weekly, and invite anyone who wishes to share their love of great movies to join in. The instructions are simple.
[b]So in review, you will need:[/b]
-A microphone (voice chat is not necessary, but much more practical)
-Skype on your computer
-A copy of the movie we plan to watch (this may be provided, but don't rely on it)
-A good attitude :wink:
-OPTIONAL: A movie you wish to watch (Pixar and Disney movies are preferred, to increase the likelihood that members here will have your suggested movie, and can join in)
[b]And to simplify scheduling, please:[/b]
-Send me a PM or message me on Skype (Skype ID: lvl27_cubone). [i](Staff note - typically these days, a member of the Pixar Planet staff hosts the Skype call! See the Facebook event listing for details.)[/i]
-NOTE: Posting on this topic works as well, and can let others know what times they can shoot for, but can get the topic cluttered. Be mindful of posts.
-Provide times available
-Submit all information as early as possible in the week to make planning easier for me
If your information is not submitted soon enough, or your schedule conflicts with too many participants, you will likely be excluded. I schedule these events for the most participants possible, so I apologize if you miss out.
Thanks, and I hope to see/hear you at the movie!