Pixar Planet Movie Night

Maybe our next movie night could be The Hunchback of Notre Dame to honor its Blu-Ray release?

That could be an option! We choose WIR last week because everyone seemed into it. You might want to suggest it to Phileas or twcs, they’re the hosts of these events, and see what they think.

I guess so, it could be fun making a log of jokes about Frollo. I have the DVD and need to repalce it with the blu ray soon.

I thought the last movie night was a little bit more boring then the other one. The movie was fun but after thst it took a huge nose dive since it was only that white board thing. It was fun at first but started to get dull at one point. We sould also just talk about random topics like how are life is going, what movies we have watched, what were eating, and talk more about the PP reunion thing and how it’s going to work out.

What do you guys think about watching action or sci-fi movies? That’s the genre I’m mostly into now, and I got a good amount of them in my collection. Is there restriction to movies that may have a high age rating? That is just one thing I am curious about.

All I can tell you Geoff is that we haven’t ever watched a film that was not animated.

Awesome! I’ll make sure to suggest my idea to Phileas.

Fair enough. Thanks for clearing that up.

It was so fun this Saturday. I can’t wait for next time!

Hey guys just wanna pop in to say that I enjoyed my second PPMN of the year and my first live chat in a long while! I remember the old PP commentaries with the old guard… good times… hopefully we can bring back that same spirit.

Thanks to Phileas and wisecookiesheet for hosting the PPMNs this year so far. I had a great time watching the first hour of WIR with y’all, hearing rants about a certain Oscar host, discovering a Tron reference (pointed out by MyGames19), talking about Disney stores, getting in a meme (“U MAD?”) edgewise, and trying to stay dry-eyed through that scene where Disney tears us apart and Ralph acts like a massive jerk (I chose a pretty bad time to leave, haha, but I just had to hear you guys react to the Broken-Karted scene, I think my voice even cracked when I bid goodbye, oh the feels!). :frowning:

I really wish I coulda seen Ralph to the end with you all, but I had to drive to work and it takes half an hour without traffic. I’m sure you had a great time, though, how did the rest of the chat go? :slight_smile:

I’m also super excited for the next one - I haven’t watched New Groove for ages, and I remember playing the videogame on PS1 as a kid. Man, I never got past the jungle level, but I did love walking Kuzco off ledges to hear him scream his “WOOAAHHHH…!” 8D

I did remember the squirrel and cat Yzma, though! I’m sure I didn’t catch a lot of the jokes as a 12-year-old, but I’m sure less of 'em will fly over my (much taller) head now. :slight_smile:

My call kept being dropped do to bad wifi, so I wasn’t able to stay the whole time. But from what I heard they had a lot of fun.

These sound really fun! So does anyone know when the next Pixar Planet Movie Night will be, and which movie will be playing?

I believe the next one will be on Saturday, April 6, but the times haven’t been decided. Unless it changes, we’re probably going to be watching Hercules! :slight_smile:

little chef

Okay, thanks so much! I actually have not seen Hercules but I’ve always wanted to. Interesting choice!

omfg see ittttt!

Well the movie was enjoyable at least. 8D I really need skype.

Sorry guys, probably gonna miss this cos’ I’ll be going to

But I have such good memories of this movie! I was promised a cinema viewing of this if I did well in my mid-elementary exams. I flunked. But we still got hold of a bootleg copy and my sibs and I would watch it repeatedly and laugh at Pain and Panic or cry when Hercules dives into the Well of Souls to save Megara. I also used to freak out whenever I made a mistake playing the theme for piano class. I still have the songbook and now that I’m older, can probably sight read it (though I probably can’t make 100% accuracy yet, haha)!

I hope you guys have fun! Cos’ it’s all Greek to me.

Have some Michael Bolton.

That will be fun, I have never had a movie nght here before.

Aw, these sound so fun, but I don’t think I’ll be able to participate in one until June (if even that). School’s just too crazy, and it’s already such a duty to do all of my schoolwork, but it’s even harder if some of the people you work with are unreasonable with you, and you have no choice but to deal with it. Hopefully soon though, guys. Soon!

Hi guys! Unless Phileas decides to change things on us, it looks like the next PPMN will be held next Friday, April 26, at 11pm EST. Again, dates and times are subject to change but I think last night we pretty much unanimously decided that Fridays will work much better than Saturdays. We’re planning to watch Cats Don’t Dance. If anyone who hasn’t joined yet would like to and have Skype, you could always PM me and I’ll pass on the necessary information to Phileas or thewisecookiesheet, who usually host the Skype calls (but don’t always get on here, haha).

I know no official announcements have been kept up here about the movie nights, but we are still doing them bi-weekly (or at least trying to… we’ve had luck going steady so far!) and they have been a blast! We would love to have you all continue to join us! :slight_smile:

little chef

GREAT movie choice! I probably can go. My bestie might be coming home from school that weekend, and we need to celebrate our 21st birthdays! If not, I’ll definitely be at the movie night. :slight_smile: