Pixar Planet Movie Night

I’m sorry to hear that.

Once again, i would be excited to watch this as well!

It’s almost time! Summer is almost here! Whoo~

Is June 4th a good starting date for everyone? (or a majority) - It’s 3 weeks from yesterday.

Time… not set yet :stuck_out_tongue:

I never attended these, I would love to start

I’d love to start coming to some of these! Weekends don’t work too well for me, but don’t plan anything around that :slight_smile: I read somewhere a long time ago that you had to go to a sorta mini movie night if you hadn’t been to one before, like a short film or something, to learn how it works. Do ya still need to do that? Just wondering :smiley:

Evangeline: those are for the commentaries. For these, all you need is the movie and you’re good to go! We just sit and talk about anything appropriate that comes up, maybe not particularly to the movie itself :stuck_out_tongue: Commentaries are when you need to know information and dish it out. PPMNs are much more relaxed :slight_smile:

Evangeline: I’m glad you want to start! Usually, we switch around days and times around so everyone has a chance to attend one. So since you can’t make the weekend movie nights, we can plan a few weekday ones!

I’m down for June 4th, I can only make it if it’s after 6:00 PM California Time, bc of when I get off work. I know that’s late for everyone else, so I understand if you guys start without me, or do it while I’m at work, I know I can make another one!

I’ll have to see what my work schedule is too, but I was thinking that we do them in the evening as well. That always seems to have the highest turn out :slight_smile:

I’d love to come to one if my schedule allows it. :slight_smile:

Well, I’ve got nothing planned on this day yet, so I would love to come :slight_smile:

TWCS: Thanks! :blush: I got confused. I’d love to come though, it’d be awesome to “see” everyone :smiley:

eje: That sounds great! My family always does stuff, but I’d love to find a time where I can find some time home alone or something :smiley: I can’t wait!

And actually, I might be able to go June 4th now, I’ll see! So excited :smiley:

I’ve got a concert then and no offense, but I would rather see my favorite band in concert then watch a movie with people I barley know

Understandable! I’d do the same, even though I love all you guys!

Hey guys!

Well, since we’ve scheduled the date of the first PPMN to happen this summer on Saturday, would anyone -in the states- be opposed to having it start early? (Roughly 8-9AM CST/ 6-7AM California/ 9-10AM New York)

I won’t be able to stay the entire time, we’re having my graduation party that afternoon, but I would really love to come and be part of the fun and to kick off the summer.

What is the date again? And which movie?

This Saturday, and the first Toy Story, I believe. Or, we can work our way backwards and watch Toy Story 3 to kick it all off.

Lame! I work. I hope you guys have fun though!

Aww, sorry to hear!

Although, considering no one has responded, we may just go ahead and push it to next week, when we can get the word out better, and I can actually focus on getting it set up :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s a good idea. Will we have the sigs again?

Yes! There will be sigs again! :smiley:

They were very fun to work on before :slight_smile: