Pixar Projection for TS3 site up!


Word to the wise: DON’T GO TO THE REELS PAGE!! (sorry for shouting, I’m trying to make a point.) There are HUGE spoilers on that page. Just please: PROCEED WITH CAUTION!

Hello Pixarfan!.
The link dosne’t work.
I just wanted to know is there a new link to the website?.
If there is that would be great!.

It worked earlier, but it’s not really meant for the general public anyway.

They pulled the whole site down. I did manage to salvage one reel image, but it contains spoilers so I won’t post it.

Must’ve been a mistake or something.

Must’ve been a preliminary site. Under specifications, it was for the TS double feature and the message from Lee was the TS double feature trailer, so I don’t know.

I missed seeing it, but since it only had more spoilers it’s probably for the best.

OK, I’ve thought of a plan. If a mod wants to lock this up, they can, but if the site comes back, they could unlock it if they wanted to. Sound good?