Pixar screenshots

explodes I REALLY love the whole chair motif. Just another wonderful touch. The way they end up pefectly side-by-side… :`-(

^Must agree there. <3 We are such saps…we sound like middle aged divorcees… :laughing: Wow, that was negative. Sorry.

Thank you for uploading that Presto shot Virginia! I believe that there should be more shorts screencaps added here.

No problem!! I just found it in my stash, and I love Presto so much!! Alec is so cute. <3

For some reason that screencap of Muntz reminded me of Captain Jack (Why is the rum gone?) from Pirates of the Carribean.

Probably his expression. :laughing: Ah, how I love POTC…

I love your A Bug’s Life cap!! My brother and I were just watching it. :smiley:

Everyone, I’m going to post more screenshots from all the Pixar films as soon as I get Toy Story 3 on DVD at Christmas. Until then, stay tuned.

Haha! :laughing: I don’t mind at all. :stuck_out_tongue:

Rock-itpop, I think I just might have to use “Why is the rum gone?” as a caption for the Muntz one now. 8D

This is random, but Leirin, I love your avatar. Well, it is a screen cap, so maybe it’s relevant…either way, it’s awesome. :smiley:

Why, thank you. :slight_smile:

Here’s a few screenshots I collected from Pixar’s official Facebook page:

Smexy screenshots Virginia and Geoff! I especially like the one of Remy and the one of Sid/Woody


I love the one of Remy cracking the bread at the top. Makes me hungry everytime. :blush:

I know same here! I can’t wait to go to France someday, and try French bread! Not American-French Bread (like the bread I buy. And me, only not the bread part)

Sorry to bump this year-old thread, but I feel more screenshots could be posted here. Last night, I took a bunch of screenshots from the Pixar Shorts DVD.

I’m also working on another mega dump of movie screenshots right now.

Thank you so much for uploading those. They are so beautiful.

Great shots! :smiley:
