PixarPlanet Awards 2011 - Winners!!

Congratulations to everyone that won! :mrgreen:

Whooo! \O/

Congrats to all the winners! And again, thanks to the folks who nominated me. Even though I didn’t win anything personally this year, it was a real honor to be considered. :smiley:

A little interesting fact. I predicted 11 of my votes correctly.

Congratulations to everyone who won. Even though I didn’t win, it was an honor to be nominated.

Congratulations to the winners!
I didn’t expect to win anything, so thanks a lot to those who voted for me in the Best Signature category! :smiley:

A huge congrats to those who won!

8D 8D 8D

and thanks to those who voted for me
It was an honor to be nominated

8D 8D 8D

Im just kidding…
Thanks again.
And ConGrats!

Woah, thanks guys!! Same award as last year. Le gasp, I must be a Pixar fan. :smiley: That’s awesome, though. I love being associated with Pixar. <3 Thank you so much!! And super dee duper congratulations to my fellow winners!!! <3 Love you guys!

Congrats to those who won, and even those who didn’t! :smiley: Regardless of getting an award, like others have stated I think everyone is crucial to the ‘Pixar Planet experience’ and have helped make it the silly, friendly, fun community we know it as. :wink: :smiley:

First off, once again, God has blesed me to make it into the awards, so first shout out goes to Him :smiley: !

Congradulations to all the other winners! And Special congradulations to my friends that won. You know who you are! Thanks to all who voted for me! (I know not who you are :laughing: ) Oh my gosh, Best Pixar Fan Artist two years in a row! Thank you all so much :smiley: :-D) :slight_smile: ! That’s a true honor. And I appreciate so much the categories I was nominated for, as well. Thanks to TSS and Little Chef for putting this whole thing together. Congrats to the Nominees! And Thanks to all the voters :smiley: !

Teehe :-D) ! I’m so excited :smiley: !!! Thanks guys <3 .

Little Chef

and Queen of Painting :smiley:
Love yous <3 .

Special Thanks to my best buds, PP or otherwise, TSS and Phileas, the awesomest friends I’ve ever had <3 . TSS, a role model and the big brother I never had. And Phileas, the best friend that can always make me laugh and feel better. You guys are the best. And you’re gonna go far!

Nice speech Violet Parr.

You’re so sweet Vi. You’ll always be a winner, of awards, and otherwise. :smiley:

Congratulations to all the winners and thank all of you guys for the nominations! :smiley:

Congratulations to all the winners and nominees. And thank you to everyone who nominated me.

Wow, very cool!

Sealy: Haha, those were awesome pictures, very funny!

Virginia: Congrats, and I like your accompining sig!

Violet Parr: Aw, thank you so much, you’re so sweet. Congratulations!

Congratulations to all the winners! :smiley:

Its great to see that some of my nominations won!

Well done to all of the winners. This past year on PP as been fantastic, and it’s great to see awards go to some great members.

Thanks!! I tried to do something more funny, but yeah…there it is. 8D And thank you! I’m very proud and grateful for my award.

Hehe thanks!

ANd congrats to Virginia, Violet, and all the other winners! :smiley:

I think it’s funny!

Thanks. And thanks, Sealy.