The Theme- To create a piece of artwork based on a Pixar character, or characters, partaking in traditional Hallowe’en celebrations.
-It must contain at least one character from any Pixar film or short film.
-It may contain your own characters, as long as there is at least one Pixar character within the picture.
-The character(s) must be doing something Hallowe’en related, or be portrayed in a Hallowe’en theme.
-It can be created in any artistic form.
-It must not contain any obscene references- keep it universal, please! Any explicit entries will be ignored.
And that’s it! Be creative, and make sure you follow these dates and deadlines-
-Opening date: 28th September
-Closing date: 24th October
-Voting will begin: 25th October
-Voting will end: 31st October
The winner will be announced in the first journal after the voting has ended.
-The picture will be the club’s featured deviation until the next competition.
-The winner will recieve a one month subscription to deviantART.
-The winner will be inducted into PPdA’s Hall of Fame.
I probably won’t enter this as I can never seem to find the time to draw, but I’m sure there will be some spooky Halloween entries this year. Can’t wait to see them. =)
Sorry about that, Citizen Insane. I tend to have to arrange the dates around my own rather tight schedule, but perhaps you could enter in the next competition.
The voting for this contest is now open! Here’s the link-