Pixar's Defining Film

Don’t worry about it. Pixar’s gonna be fine. Cars 2 is going to be a fine movie, even though I don’t think anyone expects it to be a masterpiece. I really don’t think it needs to be, after the last 4 Pixar films, I think that the next one just needs to be fun. And Cars 2 looks extremely fun, its just this wild action-comedy with spies and racing and explosions, and that’s all I really need for it to be.

I agree with both–especially the MNM claim…he does make Al look charming. o_0

8D Sorry, I think I went abit over the top in my other post.

-hugs definedancing- Awwwww…that’s okay. :nerd:

-hugs SullyMike back- :smiley:

Pixar’s movies are so realistic, sometimes I forget which is real life and which one’s a movie. 8D That might give you a tiny hint as to my mental state…

Same, especially films like Ratatouille and WALL-E, where the animation is so good it looks real! 8D

“What the? Where am I? Where are all the toys?” 8D

I personally think that regardless of what your favorite Pixar film is, the Toy story series is Pixar’s defining set of films. Wall-E is the closest to threatening that though, IMO.

Great post, DD. I love the way you put movies in brackets and analyze the trend :wink: If I’m gonna do it your way, I’ll make it a little bit different, though. I’d say TS2, MI, Nemo and The Incredibles arguably belongs to the first batch of animated features that were highly exploration-oriented and incredible story-telling. The last 4 films (Rataouille, Wall-E, Up, TS3), as you said, are the second batch, with amazing achievements in animation, while the stories/morale were much deeper, even for grown-ups.

My expectations is that Cars 2 will serve the role of ABL and Cars 1 in the past. Something along the like of buffer movies, if you will. Like they were there to give Pixar a break before the next great move, so that they don’t overwhelm themselves. Also, they need to throw other animation studios a bone in those “lean” years and give them some incentives to keep the competition up. That’s the best way to keep the tide up. **disclaimer: I might read to much into things now 8D **

With that being said, expect nothing less than epic, emotional poignancy in Brave and Monsters Inc 2. Brave will probably be an adventure-filled movie with a similar underlying morale of Finding Nemo (about parenthood and raising your child), while Monsters Inc 2 will be a humorous and lighthearted journey with a great sentimental story, much like its predecessor.

The future is bright, the future is Pixar!!

By the way, I found a quote that might confirm my view of Cars 2 being the much-deserved breather that Pixar needs:

I read this on a comment of a movie-news blog, which the poster claims to have contacts with a Pixar animator. So take it with a pinch of salt, because it might be all made-up. But it’s a good, insightful read.

Thanks for that article, Pricklepants :slight_smile:.
What your suggesting is what I am hoping for, that Pixar will still make brilliant films. I especially can’t wait for Brave, which I think will be epic. They must be under an awful amount of pressure though, as a company. But I guess…if Pixar stick to their guns, keep putting stories first, and take time on their films, then all will be well.
And for the record, I personally think ABL is only really considered as a “buffer” movie because of it’s God-awful time of release. Although I’ll admit that WALL-E & MI are better films :slight_smile:

I agree, it’s time for another silly Pixar movie. :slight_smile:

Yeah, a light-hearted comedy is what makes sense as a follow up to Toy Story 3. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the movie because of how dark it was (I love the irony of a really dark plot starring the bright colorful characters of my childhood), but I don’t think that darkness wouldn’t translate well into the Cars would.

I agree. It would just be a lame, overplayed attempt at Oscar bait. :unamused:

I wonder, though, would Toy Story or Toy Story 3 be the definite Pixar film? Those two are the only choices in my mind.

I say Toy Story is, it’s the one that started it all.

I agree with you. But I was just wondering how many people think Toy Story 3 is. :slight_smile: Might be none. 8D I was just wondering.

^Though I like TS3 better, I do have to say Toy Story is the definite one. :slight_smile:

Exactly what I think, I personally think TS3 is superior, but without a doubt the original is the defining film.

Will it be strange if I say Monsters,Inc? I agree with ALL that was said about Toy Story, but I can see MI as the start of computer animated movies with balanced seriousness and humor, original ideas and endings that can bring tears to your eyes. But maybe it’s just me, because MI was the first Pixar film I’ve seen and TS wasn’t a part of my childhood. o_0