Pixarteers Thread!

Hey baby. :slight_smile:

Hiya guys!

Hey Garrett!!

Hi Jessie!! lol soooo what is everyone up to? Me I am pacing back and forth writing this

Why? What’s wrong? :frowning:

 oh nothing I just do that sometimes

Oh, okay. 8D

Whoa, activity explosion!!! Hey Jess. :slight_smile: Sup Garrett! Anyone up for the chatroom?

Nah I am on the phone. And I am doing things
 sorry though some other day?

Sure! :slight_smile: Can I have the link again? I lost it. :frowning:

I’m in!

Link!!! D:

EDIT: Got it! :smiley:

Well, I don’t know the link

But one place where you absolutely will not find it is here: [url]Kiwi IRC :stuck_out_tongue:

Took me forever to find it! Usually I just click the link in Jonah’s siggy.

Have fun. :slight_smile:

Me and you can still talk in here Garrett. :slight_smile:

K :slight_smile: well that almost worked
 lol tried seeing if it would do it on my phone Opera mini crashed after halfway loading lol anyways
 I am at my desk just fooln away with my stuff. lol

We were laughing at how the underscores kept growing on your user name. 8D


Oh snap if you don’t know then it’s gonna be weird explaining it. 8D

Oooookaaayyyyy :confused: