Pixarteers Thread!

All this anti-Mater campaining makes me sick. Are we going to fight the power? :stuck_out_tongue:

When Cars 2 comes out! :smiley:

Okā€¦ lol yay new music from Breaking Benjamin (sp?) lol

Haha, an anti-anti-Mater campaign? Iā€™m in! :stuck_out_tongue:

I listen to them too! :smiley:

Yay! Lol now Beastie Boys!

Yes!! We must make a flag, and always talk about Mater, and support him, and Larry the Cable Guy, andā€¦well, you get the picture. :laughing:

Drown the haters xD

Well then its a good thing im not hatingā€¦ Lol


Yes it is. You can live. :sunglasses:

deep breath lol

Do you support Mater?

Jessie, what is this idea? You can PM me if you want.

I love Mater! OF COURSE i support him!

Iā€™m just gonna change some words in my sig :stuck_out_tongue:

Oohā€¦interestingā€¦I may have to do that, too, if you donā€™t mind me stealing your me-induced idea. :sunglasses:


Good night. :smiley:

Goodnight Virginiaā€¦ Well I am logging off for the night but ill still be on twitter for bout an hour then ill be going to bedā€¦

Goodnight Virginia.

I changed my sig :stuck_out_tongue:

Talk to you on Twitter Garrett!