Pixarteers Thread!

hehe… that’s pretty neat. :sunglasses:

That is too cool!!I collect Cars die-casts as well!! Great collection you have there!!

That is so awesome pixarfan9099! I collect the die-cast figures too!

Nice collection you have there pixarfan9099. Oh, and I like the message too :wink:

That is preeeetty dang awesome right there. :smiley: Unfortunately I don’t have any of the diecast figures myself, but my little brothers have a couple!

My church is a Methodist church.

Edit: Oh, I didn’t notice until now the post later following this one saying not to talk about it . . . Oopsies!

Hey can I still join the Pixarteers? I’m going into highschool and I love Cars, but not like diehard. More like . . . I watch it every once in a while and have a Lightning McQueen plushy but don’t have like any collections or anything… could I join??

That’s a very cool Cars Pixarteer Photo! :smiley:

Evangeline, hm…yeah you can join.

What does everyone else think?

About pixarfan9099’s photo or Evangeline’s membership?

If it’s about the photo, it’s pretty neat! Pure dedication right there.

If about Evangeline joining, of course she can! I like seeing this group getting bigger. And welcome to Pixar Planet as a whole Evangeline! :smiley:

Okie dokie then! Welcome to the Pixarteers!! :smiley:

Welcoem aboard evangeline. We’re collecting members faster than PIXAR makes good movies!!

:laughing: LOL! That’s actually so true :mrgreen: Pixar should make a movie about Pixarteers :wink:

Anyone hear anything about the teaser???

Welcome, Evangeline! You’ll love it as a Pixarteer!

That would be pretty neat! :sunglasses:

P.S.- Hey,I know someone was saying that they couldn’t see my sig… I’m on a computer at my library right now and I can’t see it either. What format does everyone else use for their sigs? (I always use jpeg, by the way.)

Movie Night is going on right now! We haven’t started yet. We’ll wait for as many people as possible to show.

Right now it is just thewisecookiesheet and I. Come on in!

Man, I’m like bored right now. Where’s everyone at? (don’t answer that, I was just saying it, I know where everyone’s really at). :unamused:

Hey, Evangeline, make sure you let everyone know your a Pixarteer by putting it in your sig! :wink:

I’m here :smiley:

Sorry Snipe I’m going to write more now. :blush:

I’m here! I’m at movie right now with thewisecookiesheet and love70ways, it’s awesome! You should join if us if you can! (Although it’s technically over, but still)

That’s fine, I was just joking around earlier. :smiley:

Hey, I’m not sure if any of you are Clone Wars fans, but they’ve got a new preview from the ComicCon thing today. I can’t wait for the show to start back up! :sunglasses:


Yeah, I’d love to, but I haven’t got Skype. :confused: :sunglasses:

:frowning: Well, If you ever want to, Skype is free and takes like 5 minutes to set up! Just putting that out there.