Pixarteers Thread!

It doesn’t even interest me and this is coming from a girl who loves anything to do with space and stuff. :blush:

WHY??? Hey some episodes would do nicely for Halloween! hahaha!

oh btw this is John Davis en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Davis … h_explorer

I just can’t sit there and watch it for some reason. But I’ve ever even tried so I probably should. Besides, some of the stuff, like Star Wars, I can’t follow. I like being a Pixar addict. :slight_smile:

Nope! I’ve never been a big watcher of TV in general. And when I do, it’s probably like Discovery, or History, or something like that.

Star wars is like 6 movies… 7 if you include the animated one and then the series. Star Trek Has alot of movies. 5 series. both have games too.

I watch History and discovery too… anyone watch Speed?

Oh man that’s like, so much to remember. :frowning:

Blah, oh well.

I don’t watch speed either. I only watch things on TV that are, well, sick. Like horror stories of things that could happen to you DUN DUN DUN. Like I Survived or I Shouldn’t Be Alive. Those shows makes me so glad that I can breathe air. :confused:

Yep its official.

What is? :open_mouth:

You. you are almost exactly like Kayla.

No clue who that is. :open_mouth:

PPT, I’m going to take a shower right now. So, when you come back and I’m not here, I’ll be here soon.

Kayla Reynolds, my friend who died. though she had red hair… anyways, not gonna spread that topic around.

Well, now I feel like crap. :open_mouth:

why??? U didnt do anything wrong.

I’m back. Pity most of you haven’t seen star trek. Not even the reboot released last year?

I like Mythbusters on TV. And Psych, if anyone knows what that is.

Yeah have you ever spotted the pineapple???

I did twice. once in the episode with the “UFO” (There was some Star Trek stuff in this episode) and one in an episode I can’t remember.

Have you ever found the pineapple? It’s so well hidden!

Yeah i know!!! lol um like 2 time I think… lol Gus was running around with Geordi"s Visor :laugh:

8D It was funny when Shawn broke the helmet, and then in the end when the wife discovers the UFO fanatic, the helmet is duct-taped back together. 8D

O know! hahaha and people where asking Gus for his autograph!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


How about when the guy calls shawn and says that some people in weird helmets are chasing him? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: